Resolution of life
The year stopped dead on its trail
All goodness has turned its face
In the sinful world purity travails
I feel regrets are too heavy to carry
Not to be discouraged I let them bury
I'm strong enough to move on
Walking alone yet the journey is long
I have strength and confidence
With cognizance, not somnolence
Amidst the displays of heinous viciousness
My mind skips and hops
Limping with satisfaction and delight
In my mum's might
Not holding on to feelings and emotions
Broadcasting them to the world
Is a smart experiment
To identify certain people may be an option, not a requirement
The journey of life may be long and winding
But I am as strong as an ox never known fear
Which I will travel till the culmination without a tear
I won't stop chasing my dreams and aspirations
No matter how hard it gets but with full satiation
In the vast world, it's shameful to waste my wonderful life
Mulling over what-ifs and could-have-been.
A self-indulgent life is not an invaluable real life
Despite adversities, if I can ever bring a smile to a needy child's face
Notwithstanding my struggles with my chronic illness and pain
My life will be a sure win.
Resolution of Life - Anyone feeling down and dispirited should read and follow this uplifting poem from Payel Bhattacharya. Despite all her own ongoing suffering, she shines through with her life's hope to win through.