Thursday, December 30, 2021

Daughter of Sun


A gift from heaven, a precious pearl,

a heart filled with dreams - a sweet little girl!

Little girls make the world sweeter!.

Lives of parents completer!

Two little hands,two little feet

A tiny girl fast asleep

A wonderful blessin'

Heavenly blessin'

A joy never ceasing

A treasure from above

From the stars and high above

Is a gift of love

New life , new hope, new dreams

Moonlit streams.

Turneth into a new born girl on Christmas Eve

Santa's gift to light up the tree

May your life be full of love and laughter

Holiness is hope after

Shelves full of books

Gladness of your looks

Comes after

The shouts,and the laughter.

O world of innocence, O world of laughter

 Bedtime stories so sweet and wise

Alone, important and wise,

Possessing mother's eyes

May your life be filled with beautiful stories

Memories and stories

Detective stories

Those wise allegories

Immortal words lie between pages of a book

There ought not be anything disagreeing  you look,

Serving  as a faithful friend

I intend 

There's no such special friend

life's greatest treasures.

You'll be the fulfilment of parents' dreams

You'll be bursting with wonder in their heart

Giving them a new start.

Monday, December 27, 2021


 Since you ask, most days I cannot remember.

I walk in my shoes, tattered by the voyage.

Then the almost unnameable passion returns.

I never wanted to die.

 Even when those I loved died, went away from me, beyond me. 

My life was never always a question, if for no other reason

I wanted to wake up and see what happened next. 

Even then I have nothing against life.

I know well the grass blades you mention,

the furniture you have placed under the sun.

But self destruction has a special language.

Like wrecked, disabled carpenters, they want to know which tools.

They never ask why?

 I have so simply declared myself,

I have been beaten by  the enemy, eaten the enemy,

Have put up with the craft,  magic.

Who asked me to drop dead.

The other sold the house illegally

To a cacophony  padmasree 

In this way, heavy and thoughtful,

warmer than oil or water,

I have faced, drooling at the war..

And I continued to want to open like that, like the flowers

who lift their heavy heads as the hills outside the window

Flare gold for a moment before they turn

on their sides and bare their creased backs.

Even the cut flowers in a jar of water lift

Their soon to be dead heads and open

Their eyes, even they want a few more sips,

To dwell here, I hoped to be paradise, a few days longer.

I did not think of my body at needle point pain

Even the leftover will is now gone.

Troubles  insurmountable have already betrayed the body.

Still-born, they don't always die,

But dazzled,  I can't forget a drug so sweet

A face would look on and smile.

I am thirsty for compassion.

I can't bear this pain no more, the agony is to kill

To thrust all that life under your burning third eye representing fire. 

His left and right eyes indicate his activity in the physical world. ... In his anger he opened his third eye, and fire from the eye devoured pleasure,

  Kali mata save me by stopping the cycle of life and death

I pleaded with him to open his eye!

Burn me to bhasma

I seek salvation, moksha

That, all by itself, has become a passion.

Death's a sad tone; bruised, you'd say,

Waiting for you, love, desire and health 

year after year,

To  so delicately undo all wounds 

I need wealth

To empty my breath from its bad prison called the Earth

But being a warrior should I want to cross the periphery, the edge

Balanced there, self destruction sometimes meet,

Raging at the bull , a pumped-up moon,

Leaving the bread they mistook for a kiss,

World is an  made for falling into an abyss

Of  deprivation and anxiety

Troubles are insurmountable

Climbing the mountain all my sufferings are accountable 

Leaving the page of the book of life  carelessly open,

Something unsaid, gnawing inside, the phone off the hook

And the love, and aspirations

Whatever it was, an infection.

Stifling to Death

Stopping all pain and breath.

I hate the Earth 

My forte

Unvanquishable infusion of life

With a deep sense of humanity

Who thinks of humility?

I'd rather live in Hell-fire 

Pandemic's quick fire shall burn

Violence on each other out fear

 In frustration and pain I can no longer bear

With no peace in my brain 

I shun paradise

I shun rain

Kalki the tenth Vishnu Avatar will expunge humans like dinosaurs

Because all have become a carnivore

Desiring my meat

The disease of conceit.

World when it was pointless and chaotic

However, viruses can infect all other forms of life

Virus genes are everywhere, merged into the genomes of all organisms

With with correct mechanisms

Viruses cannot generate their own fuel

These artificially engineered modification 

Were thought to increase the range of host cells 

So it can infect and put the world in frustration

Now the virus in the stormy world dwells

Mutating Covid is Kalki

Aatar who rejuvenates existence by ending the darkest and destructive period to remove

The world will improve 

betrayal, discord, disharmony, unnaturalness, wrongness, evil, immorality,

From what I've seen, I hate humanity

I hate humanity

 With hypocrite mentality

No  morality

Saturday, December 25, 2021

Yesterday Now Tomorrow


So let's begin.

A merry heart does good like a medicine.

It might display His immense patience

 Those who would believe in Him would receive eternal life.

 Now to the eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever.

China proved to be clever

Life is not eternal neither is it immortal

In all things, I have shown you that by working hard 

 we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord, how he himself said

Parents ought to have children bred,

 It is more blessed 

To give 

Than to receive

We must help the weak 

Remember the words of the Lord, 

 ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive"

A generous person will prosper; whoever enlivens 

Others will get all things

 Shown you that by working hard 

We must help the weak and remember the words 

Of the Lord, how he himself said,

 ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive rejuvenated, restored, renewed, renovated.

There is a Santa Claus in all

In certain situations I found man reveals himself placed by chance

 And  there's nothing left for him to do but hate his fellow man

A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be

For the gifts and the calling of God are permanent.

You can be certain 

So when you give to the needy, 

Do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do with posters on the plane, 

selling cheap t-shirts and jeans, but remain unreachable

To honour indeed  by others I tell you,

It's true they have indeedreceived their reward in full.

He who sleeps on a full stomach whilst his neighbour goes hungry, 

Such devils had ta'en a longer, stronger pull,

The night is so long and the table is oh, so full

God commands justice, the doing of good, 

and liberality to kith and kin,

 and He forbids all shameful deeds, 

War against injustice is a feat

On three sides celebrities have covered me from all sides neat.

The deluding trap has to cheat

 Almighty will deprive usury of all blessing, but will give increase for deeds of charity

Hard work pays off in the future, laziness pays off now.

Clear as a bell 

Laziness lacks originality

change of greatness

Without the action, there's only laziness

I encountered apathetic portraits of your lavishness

Friday, December 24, 2021

It is every man's obligation to put back into the world at least the equivalent of what he takes out of it.

 O' God give me some light

In my dark days send an angel who can give me a little light

Life is like a rose 

I dare to hold close

O' God you gave me a life

I pray give me the gift of living well

Born alone, live alone, die alone

Life is like a rose.

 Many people dare to hold it close

 To their heart but only a few feel that pain is inflicted by the thorn .

‘Money’ and ‘Power’ are the root causes in every act of felony, every crime, every treachery committed since time immemorial. 

Money, gold, holds allure because it gives power, a lavish lifestyle and many are ready to harm a life for its powerful charisma.

 Money tempts most people to wrongdoing. 

Crime is as old as humanity.

 Thus, it is since ancient times that brothers are slaughtering brothers for the power of the throne and the wealth it brings along. 

Slaughtering, poisoning, strangling, asphyxiating, backstabbing, but achieving money and power and destroying every life on the way. 

Such is the queer nature of the human race.

Breathing is a race, 

With longing and restlessness everywhere

Bearing grief every day 

All my life in a certain way 

To see if you feel alive

Or just existing muddled

 A son instead of being dutiful towards his parents desires the end of the ailing, helpless parents and shoves them out of the way, 

A raving egomaniac parent drunk with the influence of wealth, affluence, power withholds what the ailing sibling truly deserves, thus strangling life out bit by bit

All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action. Learn that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute one brotherhood. Nothing shall be legitimate to a Muslim which belongs to a fellow Muslim unless it was given freely and willingly. Do not, therefore, do injustice to yourselves. 

If the renowned Prophet Muhammad 

Equality he could understand 

Being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty, or possessions.

 Then why did it happen to me?

Is there any ethnic or national pride?

Unless you achieve or attain and 

Care for the dazed or dead!

Made me Rid all of spurious notions of goodness 

And badness from a wedded elephant 

Deserves to be under the spotlight than it has received. 

It is truly a satirical glory propped full with a spouse's cunning, humour and genius.

 It is a detective spoof that far outdistances the fabled tales of the great Sherlock Holmes and may well have been the Inspiration for Elephant's sister's was stolen mumbo jumbo. 

Mum demonstrates her canny ability to make the unbelievable, logical and the bizarre and absurd practical

Really and reasonable.

 I highly recommend this book for everyone as its reading adds a unique spice to one’s life.

Because Mum happens to be a good culinarian 

The best thing for sadness is to learn something.

 That is the only thing that never ceases to function.

Stepping into enemy territory with courage to defeat the giant

 That is holding your dream captive

With fierce coward's assault by mate

So overweight 

Yet a celebrity attractive

It is every man's obligation to put back into the world at least the equivalent of what he takes out of it.

 You may grow old and trembling in anatomies, 

You may lie awake at night listening to the disorder of your veins,

 You may miss your only love of Mum

 You may see the world about you devastated by evil lunatics, 

Or know your honour trampled in the sewers of baser minds. 

There is only one thing for it then — to learn. 

Learn why the world sways and what wags it. That is the only thing which the mind can never exhaust, never alienate, never be tortured by, never ,fear or distrust, and never dream of regretting

Life consists not in having good cards

But playing those you hold well.

Jealousy doesn't open doors it closes them

A dazzling smile, help and honour seasons will change

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Somatostatin-analogues, even if inactive in inhibiting proliferation, could still play a role in meningioma therapy, contrasting secretory phenomena associated

 There is no cure available for neuroendocrine tumors available yet but as usual, there is treatment. The prognosis of the patient can be decided on the basis of stage and grade of cancer and certain other factors like age, the general condition of the patient. All these factors are looked at collectively to determine the prognosis of the tumor.

Brain metastases are rarely reported in patients with neuroendocrine carcinoma (NEC) of non-lung origin and neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) of the gastroenteropancreatic or bronchopulmonary system. Symptomatic brain metastases are associated with a dismal prognosis, so early detection and treatment could be advisable.

The incidence of brain metastases for neuroendocrine tumors (NET) is reportedly 1.5~5%, and the origin is usually pulmonary.

NETs are considered to be the origin of brain metastases in 1.5~5% of all patients with brain metastases, and in 45–71% of these patients, the primary tumor was located in the bronchi or lungs. If brain metastases are present, lymph node metastases are found in 75% and liver metastases are found in 50% of these patients. Primary unknown NET represents just 13% of these tumors. It is difficult to detect the primary focus, especially for functional NETs, because patients have specific symptoms when the tumor size is small. Somatostatin receptor scintigraphy (SRS) is useful to detect the primary focus, especially for NET G1 and NET G2, whereas PET is more sensitive. The most widely used tracer is F18-deoxyglucose (FDG), but well-differentiated NETs do not uptake the FDG very well; therefore, 68 Ga-DOTA-TOC PET could be better for detecting pulmonary NETs. Somatostatin receptor imaging, by 111In-pentetreotide scintigraphy or PET with 68 Ga-DOTA-TOC PET, frequently identifies lesions that are not visible on other radiographic images. Currently, somatostatin receptor scintigraphy with 111In-pentetreotide is frequently available technique to determine somatostatin receptor expression. In the future, because of its higher sensitivity, 68 Ga-DOTA-TOC PET is expected to replace somatostatin receptor scintigraphy. However, 68 Ga-DOTA-TOC PET is not available in any place. So FDG-PET is easier to be performed. FDP-PET is usually sufficient for the detection of the tumor if the patient has a long-term follow-up even if the tumor is not high-grade NET.

Brain metastases are the most common intracranial neoplasm in adults. They often originate from lung cancer, breast cancer, or melanoma, but also other malignancies like renal cancer, colorectal cancer, and ovarian cancer are increasingly associated with brain metastases. Nearly 20% of the patients with small-cell lung carcinoma (SCLC) demonstrate brain metastases at initial diagnosis and about half of the patients develop brain metastases during follow-up.  In contrast, brain metastases are rarely reported in patients with neuroendocrine carcinoma of non-lung origin and neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) of the gastroenteropancreatic or broncho-pulmonary system. In the Spanish and German NET Registries, 4 of 837 (0.5%) and 12 of 2358 (0.5%) patients with brain metastases are documented. The estimated incidence in NETs is 1.5–5%.

Somatostatin and other neuropeptides are expressed in tumors originating from neuronal precursors and paraganglia, namely meduloblastoma, central Primitive Neuro-Ectodermal Tumors (cPNETs), neurocytoma, gangliocytoma, olfactory neuroblastoma, paraganglioma. In meduloblastoma, the most common malignant tumor in childhood, there is an extensive expression of somatostatin in addition to somatostatin receptors (SSTR) type 2. Although the density of SSTR-2 and intensity of expression

General screening for brain metastases is not recommended in NET and non-lung NEC patients. Whether or not prophylactic brain irradiation in limited disease NEC of gastroenteropancreatic origin could result in better prognosis like in SCLC is unknown. Symptomatic brain metastases are often associated with a dismal prognosis, so early detection and treatment could be advisable.

Somatostatin and other neuropeptides are expressed in tumors

originating from neuronal precursors and paraganglia, namely meduUoblastoma, central Primitive Neuro-Ectodermal Tumors (cPNETs), neurocytoma, gangliocytoma, olfactory neuroblastoma, paraganglioma. In meduUoblastoma, the most common

malignant tumor in childhood, there is an extensive expression of somatostatin in addition to somatostatin receptors (SSTR) type 2. Although the density of SSTR-2 and intensity of expression of somatostatin genes have no prognostic significance in medulloblastoma, their presence may bring along important information on oncogenesis and relate medulloblastoma to

cPNETs. Radio-labeled octreotide scintigraphy may be useful in the follow-up of these patients, allowing differentiation. between scar and tumoral tissue. Moreover, on the basis of octreotide-induced inhibition of cell proliferation in meduUoblastoma, a trial with octreotide in patients with recurrent or. high-risk tumour is warranted. Meningiomas and low-grade astrocytic gliomas, even if not displaying a clear neuroendocrine phenotype, have high levels of SSTR-2. In meningiomas,

Meningiomas express SSTRs in nearly 100% of cases,

both in scintigraphy and in cell culture studies. By an

in situ hybridization technique, meningiomas have been

confirmed to express only intense and homogeneous


SSTR-2A was demonstrated by immunohistochemistry

and Western blot analysis.

SSTR-2A was demonstrated by immunohistochemistry

and Western blot analysis

However, somatostatin receptor scintigraphy is not

part of the routine pre-operative work-up of a patient

suspected to have meningioma. This is partly explained

by discrepancies among different groups. While some

authors reported positive in octreotide scintigraphy in 100% meningiomas, others claimed that a low percentage of smaller meningiomas (<2.7 cm in diameter) were negative by scintigraphy.

Unexpectedly, in cultured meningiomas, somatosta-

tin and octreotide do not inhibit cell proliferation, but

rather slightly increase it, and this was accomplished

through the inhibition of adenylate cyclase. How-

ever, it cannot be excluded that somatostatin-analogues

in vivo may have antisecretory effects on para/autocrine

growth factors, such as FGF, which in turn stimulates

tumor growth . Furthermore, somatostatin-analogues, even if inactive in inhibiting proliferation, could

still play a role in meningioma therapy, contrasting

secretory phenomena associated with the formation of

edema around the tumour. In conclusion, therapeutic

trials in patients with recurrent or inoperable menin-

giomas with somatostatin analogues have to be carried

out with great caution.

Astrocytic gliomas

The majority of low-grade gliomas (WHO grade 2) and

a smaller fraction of anaplastic astrocytomas (WHO

grade 3) have been reported to contain SSTRs, as

assessed with various receptor binding techniques. Recent gene expression studies (RT-PCR ) have

shown that low-grade astrocytomas highly express

SSTR-2, alone or in combination with SSTR-1 .

while high-grade gliomas scarcely express, or do not

express, SSTR-2. Therefore, it has been supposed

that SSTRs are important only in programming cell

differentiation, and lose this significance with progressive differentiation.

Non-neoplastic cultured astrocytes express only low

levels of SSTR-1,2,4, whereas low-grade gliomas are

believed to overexpress SSTR-2, in accordance with the

overexpression of SSTRs seen in different tumours.

However, the overexpressed SSTR-2 in human glioma

cells was found to be intact (SSTR-2A splice variant is

predominantly expressed) and functional]. In fact,

no gene mutation was detected and the receptor showed

functional properties similar to those of non-neoplastic


Unfortunately, use of the different expression of

SSTR-2 in low- vs. high-grade gliomas in radiolabeled-

octreotide scintigraphy is not useful in the differential

diagnosis of gliomas . Discrepancies between in vivo

scintigraphy with labelled-octreotide and the SSTRs sta-

tus in vitro were repeatedly observed. They can be

explained by the fact that in vivo uptake of radiolabeled

octreotide in gliomas is due to the disruption of the

blood brain barrier (BBB) rather than to the presence of

SSTRs [18,19]; therefore, radiolabeled octreotide cannot

reach SSTRs in astrocytoma WHO grade 2, where the

BBB is intact, while in high-grade gliomas, where the

BBB is disrupted, there is a non-specific accumulation

of the tracer. In conclusion, radiolabeled-octreo-

tide scintigraphy does not add information to routine

CTand MRI scans in the differential diagnosis of intra-

cranial lesions .

For the same reasons, radionuclide-labelled long-act-

ing somatostatin analogues also do not seem to be useful

in low-grade glioma, because the intact BBB would

prevent the therapeutic agent from reaching the target


Recently, a pilot study has proposed the use of a

radio-labelled, diffusible somatostostatin analogue in a

loco-regional approach to overcome the intact BBB. The vector, a somatostatin analogue conjugated

with the radiometal chelator DOTA (DOTATOC or

90Y-labeled DOTA°-d-Phe'-Tyr3-octreotide) was in-

serted in one to four fractions into a stereotactically

inserted Port-a-cath; the total cumulative activity was

up to 550 Gy. Selected patients had low-grade glioma

(five astrocytoma and two oligodendroglioma WHO

grade 2) or high-grade glioma (one oligodendroglioma

WHO grade 3 and three glioblastomas) with documented

disease progression, despite previous surgery, external

beam radiotherapy, brachytherapy and/or chemotherapy.

The authors did not observe any vector diffusion into

the adjacent normal brain, and reported the shrinking

of a cystic low-grade astrocytoma in addition to six dis-

ease stabilizations. Accordingly, the activity: dose ratio

(MBq:Gy) was a measure for the stability of peptide

retention in receptor-positive tissue and might predict

the clinical course. A trend toward longer progression-

free survival in low-grade glioma patients with an activi-

ty: dose ratio < 5 was observed 

The neuroendocrine system comprises a complex architecture of cells that are capable of producing NETs throughout the body. While NETs are known to develop throughout the gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts, there are only a few reports to suggest NETs originating primarily from the brain. NETs can be well-differentiated or poorly differentiated, and in the high grade poorly differentiated types, they can be a large cell

or small cell variants. The incidence of NETs has been prominently increasing over the past two decades. This is believed to be secondary to increased detection rates. Generally, the majority of NET metastases occur in the liver, lungs, and bone.Involvement of other sites is much rarer. NETs are considered to be the origin of brain metastases in 1.5-5% of all patients that.have brain metastases. In 70% of these patients, the primary

tumour was located in the bronchi or the lungs. If brain metastases are present, lymph node metastases are found in 75%, and.liver metastases are found in 50% of these patients. Primary unknown NET represents just 13% of these tumours.

Because the leading cause of death in patients with brain

NETs is secondary to systemic disease progression, the prognosis may be substantially different from metastatic brain NETs.Primary brain NETs appear to be more similar to non-metastaticNETs in which the ten-year overall survival rate is 47%