Saturday, December 19, 2020

Leptomeningeal hemangioblastoma Part-2

Supratentorial hemangioblastomas (HBLs) are rare, benign vascular tumors of the central nervous system neoplasms. 

Very scarce literature is available regarding supratentorial HBL without von Hippel–Lindau (VHL) syndrome in an adult. 

Being a rare entity, not much clinical data is currently available regarding supratentorial HBLs, thus necessitating the need for further reporting and review of such cases.

  • A 40-year-old male patient presented with a headache, weakness of left side body for the past 6 months, and seizure since 2 months. 

There was no history of any inherited disease or cancer in his family. He was well orientated to time, place, and person. 

Abnormal physical signs were limited to the CNS. Neurological 

examination revealed decreased the power of 4a/5 in both left 

upper and lower limb with no sensory involvement. The tendon 

reflexes were normal and plantar responses flexor.

  • A 55-year-old woman presented with severe headache and 

dizziness in 2010 showing a large cerebellomedullary well 

enhancing tumor and a small homogenously well enhancing 

tumor at the left medial temporal base on MRI . 

She underwent a surgical resection for the large cerebellar 

mass and the pathological diagnosis was HB. She had 

no family history of VHL disease, and the evaluation for VHL 

disease was negative. Because the radiological features of the 

left temporal lobe tumor were compatible with meningioma, 

we initially thought that the patient had a sporadic form of 

HB. Postoperative course was uneventful but one month after surgery, she complained of neck pain and was investigated with 

spine MRI. The spine MRI showed multiple enhancing nodules 

in the cervico-thoracic spine and the patient was 

included in the criteria for the diagnosis of VHL disease. 

Although her neck pain was relieved soon after the spine MRI, 

we advised her regular follow-up for the left temporal tumor 

and the intraspinal tumors. Unfortunately, she had been lost 

to follow-up until December 2014, when she complained 

diplopia, left facial hypoesthesia and truncal ataxia. On the 

brain and spine MRI, multiple enhancing tumors were observed 

in the bilateral cerebellopontine angle, prepontine cistern exten 

ding to the suprasellar cistern, left parasellar area, and the 

leptomeninges around the whole spine. She under-

went surgical resection for the markedly enlarged left medial 

temporal tumor.

  • Only two dura-based3,5 and two leptomeningeal hemangioblastomas have been documented. The authors describe a 10-year-old girl

who presented with warm sensation in her face, blurred bilateral

vision, loss of consciousness, and loss of sphinter control. Medical

and family histories were unremarkable, neurological deficits were

absent, and laboratory findings were normal. 

Supratentorial HBLs, which are quite rare,were first 

described by Bielschowsky in 1902.They are most commonly 

found in the frontal lobe of the cerebrum followed by parietal 

and temporal lobe. There is a handful of reported cases of 

congenital HBLs.

Till date, approximately 139 cases of supratentorial HBLs have been 

described in the literature.

Gamma Knife radiosurgery (GKRS), 15% tumors were stable 

in volume, 54% decreased, and 31% increased. Local tumor 

control rates at 1, 5, and 10 years was 89%, 74%, and 50%, 

respectively. There was a trend toward tumor progression in 

sporadic patients (P = 0.10), women (P = 0.09), and larger 

tumors(P = 0.10). In patients with multiple HBLs as compared 

to those with only a solitary HBL, the radiosurgically treated 

lesion was 7.9 times more likely to progress after GKRS 

treatment (P = 0.018). They concluded that stereotactic 

radiosurgery offers a reasonable rate of tumor control and 

preservation of neurologic function in patients with HBLs, but 

patients with multiple HBLs are less likely to exhibit long-term 

tumor control of treated lesions following radiosurgery.

However, which treatment modality is most definitive in 

supratentorial HBL is not yet known because of the rarity of 

this tumor and available literature. MRI is recommended as 

regular follow-up for sporadic supratentorial HBL. Complete 

resection of hemangioblastoma is curative and is associated 

with minimum morbidity and 2% mortality.

On reviewing the literature, it was found that 

supratentorial HBL affected patients ranging from 3 months 

to 80 years with maximum cases belonging to 20–30 years 

and 40–50 years age group. Among the infants, only one 

case was found, thus making it a rare tumor in infancy. Most 

of the cases were found in males. The reported cases either 

presented as isolated or multiple lesions. On analyzing the 

tumor consistency, it was found most of them were solid whereas 

only less than one-third were cystic. In this review, we found 

supratentorial HBL in various locations viz., frontal, parietal, 

temporal, occipital, third ventricle, lateral ventricle, pituitary, 

pituitary stalk, suprasellar, hippocampus, falx cerebri, corpus 

callosum, meninges, and choroidal fissure.

The current available treatment did not have a significant 

effect on the progression of the hemangioblastomatosis in 

reported cases. Conventional radiotherapy or stereotactic radio-

surgery was often used for disseminated lesions, however,long-term tumor control was not achieved and it is difficult to perform high-dose radiation therapy or radiosurgery for numerous lesions scattered throughout the entire neuraxis. Some studies reported notable achievements in the treatment of hemangioblastomatosis using growth factors antagonist or blocker, such as sunitinib or erlotinib, but long term disease control was not achieved. We used several cycles of bevacizumab and the patient’s neurological condition improved significantly. Long term follow-up was not established and further 

investigation is needed.

In HBLs, first and second peaks of incidence are in the third 

and fifth decades of life respectively. HBLs are more common 

in males than in females (1.3:1 ratio). They may be either 

asymptomatic or symptomatic.

Clinical characteristics of supratentorial HBL are specific to 

their location and growth patterns. They are benign lesions 

thus sign, and symptoms manifest late.Patients usually have 

no history or the long history of minor neurological symptoms. 

In maximum cases, it presents as sudden onset of neurological 

symptoms demanding neurosurgical intervention.

The exact mechanism of hemangioblastomatosis is unknown. 

There are fourteen published cases on hemangioblastomatosis 

and 11 cases had no relationship with VHL disease. The disse-

mination of HB in all reported cases occurred after surgical 

resection. Accordingly, the spillage and spread of tumor cells 

through the cerebrospinal fluid(CSF) space are the mainstreams 

that explain the dissemination of HB4)

Intracranial hemangioblastomas are rarely located in the supratentorial region, such as the pituitary

stalk and anterior lobe of the pituitary gland,

hypothalamus, corpus callosum, wall of the third

ventricle, temporal horn of the lateral ventricle, and

meninges.3,6) Multiple hemangioblastomas are rarer

in supratentorial (3%) than in infratentorial regions

(11%).7) Previous cases include a case of supraten-

torial multiple hemangioblastomas, two dural cases

identified by MR imaging, and three cases identified

at operation.The origin of hemangioblastomas is uncertain, but the presence of endothelial cells, pericytes, and stromal cells with hypervascular structures is thought to indicate derivation

from the dural vascular structures as in our case.

Dural involvement can be seen in posterior fossa

hemangioblastomas, especially in recurrent cases.

Supratentorial hemangioblastomas usually become symptomatic in the third and fourth decades of life with male predominance. Supratentorial hemangioblastomas generally manifest as symptoms

of intracranial hypertension, epilepsy, especially in meningeal localizations, hemiparesis, hydrocephalus, and intracerebral and subarachnoid hemorrhage.

The outcomes after dissemination were very poor and most patients died within 3 years of diagnosis. The most common cause of death was respiratory failure due to pontomedullary or cervical cord compression.

If tumor cells dislodge from the primary site in the fourth ventricle, the majority of them will descend along the CSF flow to the spinal subarachnoid space and then ascend to the supratentorial subarachnoid space.

Hemangioblastomas have been reported at various locations in the central nervous system. Supratentorial

hemangioblastomas are extremely rare. Between 1902 and

2013, approximately 132 cases of supratentorial hemangioblastomas were reported. Approximately seven cases of

isolated dural-based tumors were reported before



Supratentorial haemangioblastoma without von 

             Hippel–Lindau syndrome in an adult: A rare tumor 

            with review of literature

            Sharad Pandey, Vivek Sharma, Deepa Pandey, Vikul Kumar,            Mohan Kumar2

Departments of Neurosurgery and 2

Pathology, Sir Sunderlal Hospital, IMS, BHU, 1

Department of Clinical Microbiology, Central 

Hospital, DLW, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India

A Very Aggressive Hemangioblastomatosis Without VHL Gene Mutation

Jeong Goo Park, Sang Woo Song, Young-Cho Koh

Department of Neurosurgery, Konkuk University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea

Hemangioblastoma of the central nervous system may arise as sporadic lesions or as a manifestation of von Hippel-Lindau 

(VHL) disease. Hemangioblastomatosis, a disseminated form of hemangioblastoma, is an extremely unusual type of the 

disease which had been reported mainly in non-VHL disease. It is known to exhibit similar clinical features. Most patients 

underwent surgical resection of the primary lesion, and hemangioblastomatosis developed after variable intervals. Because 

there is no specific treatment, it has been reported very poor prognosis. A 55-year-old woman initially diagnosed as sporadic 

hemangioblastoma because satellite left temporal mass was considered as meningioma and evaluation for VHL disease 

including VHL gene study was negative. 3 years later, she diagnosed as disseminated hemangioblastomatosis and resected 

left temporal mass was diagnosed as hemangioblastoma, which was compatible with VHL disease. We report a rare case 

of hemangioblastomatosis in a VHL gene negative woman with some beneficial effect of bevacizumab.

Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 46, 294¿297, 2006

Parasagittal Leptomeningeal Hemangioblastoma

—Case Report—

Murat COSAR, Mustafa Aziz HATIBOGLU*, A. Celal IPLIKCIOGLU*,

and Deniz OZCAN**

Department of Neurosurgery, Afyon Kocatepe University, Afyon, Turkey;

Departments of *Neurosurgery and **Pathology, Okmeydani Training Hospital,

Istanbul, Turkey


Supratentorial leptomeningeal

hemangioblastoma resection after

preoperative embolization

Ching-Yi Lee a

, Shiu-Jau Chen a,b,


a Department of Neurosurgery, Mackay Memorial Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan

b Department of Medicine, Mackay Medicine College, New Taipei City, Taiwan

Received 12 August 2015; received in revised form 12 October 2015; accepted 10 November 2015

Leptomeningeal hemangioblastoma

Case illustration



Departments of Oncology, Section of Anatomic Pathology, and Neuroscience, Sections of Neurosurgery and Neuroradiology, Bellaria

Hospital; Department of Neuropathology, Division of Neuroscience and Psychological Medicine, Imperial College, Faculty of Medicine,

London, United Kingdom; and Institute of Radiology, St. Orsola Hospital, Bologna Italy

Case Report

A report of supratentorial leptomeningeal

hemangioblastoma and a literature review

Hiroaki Takeuchi, Norichika Hashimoto, Ryuhei Kitai and Toshihiko Kubota

Department of Neurosurgery, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Fukui, Fukui, Japan

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

With great power comes great responsibility

 When life was sheer willpower hanging by two or three threads her faithful offspring answered with affection, he said "there were many generous people who could do the duty, perform the responsibility he had sworn ardent answering commitment to."

He had found the easiest solution: leave all responsibility to any outsider, who could be their savior but also, making it a scapegoat situation.


Spiderman, Spiderman

Does whatever a spider can

Spins a web, any size

Catches thieves just like flies

Look out!

Here comes the Spiderman

Is he strong?

Listen, bud

He's got radioactive blood

Can he swing from a thread?

Take a look overhead

Hey, there!

There goes the Spiderman

In the chill of night

At the scene of a crime

Like a streak of light

He arrives just in time!

Spiderman, Spiderman

Friendly neighborhood Spiderman

Wealth and fame?

He's ignored

Action is his reward

Look out!

Here comes the Spiderman

Spiderman, Spiderman

Friendly neighborhood Spiderman

Wealth and fame?

He's ignored

Action is his reward

Look out!

Here comes the Spiderman

In the chill of night

At the scene of a crime

Like a streak of light

He arrives just in time!

Spiderman, Spiderman

Does whatever a spider can

Spins a web, any size

Catches thieves just like flies

Look out!

Here comes the Spiderman

Spiderman, Spiderman

Friendly neighborhood Spiderman

Wealth and fame?

He's ignored

Action is his reward

Look out!

Here comes the Spiderman

"The cause of all the miseries we have in the world is that men foolishly think pleasure to be the ideal to strive for. After a time man finds that it is not happiness, but knowledge, towards which he is going, and that both pleasure and pain are great teachers, and that he learns as much from evil as from good." ~ Swami Vivekananda.

As the storm was building and she could visualize a forlorn life. Down the way, she could see even birds don't sing. The mindless boy often prancing and dancing and how she toiled in life's game but never shirked her duty. The honest strife, living frugally, bringing him up with all responsibility.

She didn't hide her feelings, her face showed that it was blameworthy neglect of duty. Sometimes situations are such that she is about to make a date with a heart attack but then the thought of the shining star she had brought to this world with great difficulty made her think of her suffering and she takes her firm decision to be with her for all eternity.

 For the love of adventure and entertainment being faithless and supercilious abandoning the sense of duty will risk and spell out shameful death to those, he was duty-bound.

She thought "You've obviously lost your mind if you don't remember your duty" but didn't utter any words… sitting tight-lipped. She was thoughtful but careful not to speak out, after a while, glanced heavenwards. She felt he was leaving them on chance.

Life is like a roulette, a game of chance, granted once. We could have been born as animals and since we have been granted a human life, we should enjoy every moment of our lives.

Her mind added, well, the truth of the matter is,  it is pointless to waste my energy on indignation. 

For better or for worse. It's a dreary advent ...

We don't have to be filthy rich to help the needy.

A gifted daughter, truly ill-starred, left overwhelmed with ailments. The ennui of her aloneness, being penniless, and hungry, without a roof over her head after her father perished...broken life but she didn't moan but bore the sword that could pierce anyone but people were never comfortable about her feats and tried to bring her down.

The complexity of their existence, the trials of maladies forced them to struggle to live.

The will to live is an unstoppable thing. Most people live only when they are about to die. 

They realize

Life is a game of chance; 

Granted once; 

Temporary stay wagered To expire, I thus learn; 

Entering the reality makes you stand In a tricky, dangerous position, Whence, you are at a point of no return.

She thought "Didn't I do my duty for the very sensible man?"

The mother thought I pray night and day "I'll do something for the ailing daughter and as a mother; it's my duty and responsibility. She is dependent on me."

 This will never arise in his head. Light and dark. Hope and despair. Laughter and sadness. Trust and loneliness...that's life.

I am growing old and frail but I am bold nevertheless enough to endure and produce a new self. What if my hair is turning grey? I have nobly faced a horrid war, I have the power still.

"No one has ever become poor by giving"~ Anne Frank. We are never too poor or too small to give a piece of ourselves. We want a house, a car, then even better dwelling place or vehicle so that people stare at it and praise our achievement. But that's not really a gain or success because humans have a natural desire to have more good things than he needs. Holding back a small kindness or thinking oneself superior will not lead us to glory. You can also be self-indulgent, thinking that you want to be superior and turn yourself into a snooty and megalomaniac. In our life-struggle, if you wish to help someone, never think twice because overthinking is the biggest problem. Think positively. If you wish to do good work, do not trouble to think what the result will be but don't gloat or try to look like an egomaniac, dimwit Johnny Bravo instead trying to be Winnie the Pooh who has a positive outlook towards life or quick-witted bugs bunny using the presence of mind to get out of any situation is a better option. A simple act of care can brighten a life because hope and help are synonymous.

In order for them to survive and prosper, developing a capacity for responsibility and commitment is crucial. Without that, the relationship provides only temporary satisfaction.

It's not an onerous duty in regard to the tragedy which happened in the past in his absence. A duty done is always quietly done for the family and those that act bad and live wrong have to suffer.

The wind is singing under the starry sky, under the light of a million stars shows the many scars, few to be feeled, few to be felt.

We must encourage everyone in their struggle and not betray caring for her in the real sense, fortify spirits, make sure the passion burns like a fire; ensure there are no tear-soaked pillows or sad dreams.

"My daughter is my happiness and my pride". She is always sparkling with glee who chose to be a warrior princess, in her honest strife, winning life.

She lives with self-respect, aware that days are bitter and sweet, there are sun and shine, we both live for victory 

"Life studded with battles unfurl,

In the gloom of doom, dancing the reality;

She sprints the impalpable impasse,

Harking the secret dirge, alas!

Life is so precious!

She fought on!”

Friday, December 11, 2020

Tick-tock, tick-tock - says the clock


No merriment, no jokes, no laughter, no playful ways, nor any happy silliness. I had no life-long friends and learned how to face death or bereavement. "You can choose your friends but not your family"...but this thought didn't happen to be true for me.

Life is full of challenges, not for all but a few deformed who have not been allowed to bloom. 

For some life is full of screams, throat getting narrow and swollen, almost strangled. Stifling hopelessness with a tempest building inside. Some enjoy good health. I resuscitate ceaselessly because I am a Warrior Princess being perennially optimistic.

God granted me the calmness to accept things that I cannot change, I dare to change the things I can and have the wisdom to know the difference.

I still dare to change the things I can,

I resuscitate ceaselessly,

I wage wars with verve

In a point of no return

Yes, a Warrior Princess I am.

Pain and hurt are a necessary part of life. I suffered so much but I still felt I had things to live for. I am somehow more alive than other people, and the world, fate or destiny, whatever it was, has some plans for me and my mother who's physical energy alone to be my caregiver and everything has kept me alive. 

We were together shenanigans to trick Death to throw a noose when we reached a crossroads when something happened out of the blue to change the course of life's events.

After being partially blind, due to the awesome, rare brain tumors floating in the CSF, my heart didn't sink, I didn't feel dazed. Even if I was told that I have a few months to live. 

LMD- similar to leptomeningeal hemangioblastomas

Precisely because people are different from others that they're able to create their independent selves ...I am me and no one can compare themselves with me. You'll never find the likes of me because I am unique.

Life is what you make it. Interpreting life can be done very easily than living intensely. To admire the brightly shining Sun agleam with power to nurture nature, the sparkling clear sky or a rainbow after the rumble of a storm fills me with ecstatic joy of the enchanting world.

Time passes regularly tick-tock, tick-tock - says the clock in the more year is added to my life. Time is speeding up in everybody's life.

 The mind is always vibrantly alive crammed with facts, dates, and information. The mind remembers everything, forgets nothing. But in our day-to-day lives, in our rabbit run we are not mindful of the fact, forget it, ignore it or think it's a long time away.

I have lived for the moment, guided my mind, only by impulse and motivation.

Death does stalk us all but you can confuse him for some time by a few methods.

By rekindling your passion, by doing at least one worthwhile thing. By urging your mind to be passionate about life and what you believe in and channel the energies and enthusiasms into things that we care

about and not crush yourselves to a boring existence.

My whole life stands before my eyes like a simmering picture and I can discern the faces who descended from heaven to escort me in my difficult times then they flap their wings like the tooth fairy and fly away.

When someone else, even distant relatives, our neighbors or landlords, are suffering, people seem to care little for the person. 

"O' let her die, good riddance" is the standard of mentality that has dulled life and is the ever-moving drama of society which fashionably made our society rot. Well, people are outrageous, but it all seems to have more to do with mood, whim, and atmosphere than carefully thought-out arguments.

In human beings jealousy ranks distinctly as a weakness; a trade-mark of small minds; a property of all small minds, yet a property which even the smallest is ashamed of; and when accused of its possession will lyingly deny it and resent the accusation as an insult.

Only when you are coping with a somewhat death sentence. You shall try to live a self-indulgent life before realizing that this does not fulfill the meaning of existence.

Warmth, kindness, cheerful encouragement is the spirit of life.

If you sink into depression and listlessness. Modern antidepressants, which can benefit people in temporary grief in reaction to life events, or suffering from internal, chronic depression are there.

They may make you look cheerful but watching Tv, cooking, going to different places does it make you internally happy? 

Pretty strong things in life, depressions, withered hopes but still in poverty I am lucky to have my own pluck. Don't cackle, my mind dances with fun.

I am not immoderately slothful yet I vex very easily.

I got a flash of understanding that both optimism and desperation can control the exploding pain.

You can get happiness, the day you learn to face life, control your mind...then only you find delight and ecstasy even in stabbing pain.

When the tongue suffers from jabbing pain and there is discomfort in swallowing pills, coax and cajole your mind and think up some ways to swallow them albeit with difficulty because no one is going to ask about your problems. They are busy with their own business even those distant relatives don't give a damn about you.

Mind and brain are two different things and it's my first-hand experience.

I am perpetually stimulated. My mind never hesitates. I have opened the doors and windows of my mind and let every detail in and keep it to spruce up from the foulness. Rather than moving heavily and clumsily with a weary and defeatist attitude, my mind feels a joyous excitement with positive power, never being frustrated. Fear or flatter, lightning or thunder, the mind remains calm.

Mother's kindness, love acts as a restorative.

Life with its many dark sides, in all its beauty, grandeur, and magnificence is too short.

It's unusual how lightly people speak about the future as if they can hold it in their hands with the power to push it further off or bring it nearer. 

God is modest but he's not punishious.

I thank God every day and pray earnestly to keep me from worse health and improve my condition and thank him for making me what I am.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

An appeal to Golf links residency dwellers

 I had a liver transplant owing to several tumors in the liver which could not be taken out individually causing excruciating pain due to frequent hemorrhages in 2008. The largest lesion caused splaying of the portal vein around the lesion. Hepatic veins were compressed and displaced by the segment 4&8 mass lesion. I had two episodes of bleeding and in the last one asked the doctor to get euthanasia done. Bleeding in the hemangioblastomas required hospitalization and was excruciatingly painful.

I was diagnosed with a rare disease von Hippel-Lindau or VHL . It is a genetic form of cancer VHL patients battle a series of tumors throughout their life. VHL may occur in up to 10 organs of the body also there is a possibility of neuroendocrine tumors.

I had a cyberknife six months after which I was diagnosed with leptomeningeal hemangioblastomas.

Next I had a radiation therapy for my optic nerve tumour and a RCC. I was diagnosed at the same time. 
I have a rare disease HypoPara

Leptomeningeal hemangioblastomas ...between 1902 and 2013, approximately 132 cases were reported...Ga-DOTANOC PET-CT based SSTR imaging because VHL syndrome associated hemangioblastomas frequently express SSTR confirmed the true nature could be seen and the diagnosis. 

I had 2 surgeries here in this flat by Dr Arvinder Singh Soin in 2016 end of the year

But we never asked for help. We are staying here since 2016.

Then after the radiation therapy 2017 I developed chronic ischemic brain and bilateral trigeminal neuralgia followed. 

I get stabbing pain because 

I got a cyberknife of the right side of the bilateral trigeminal neuralgia. From HCG Cancer Institute Colaba Bombay, because Delhi doctors wanted a biopsy of the multiple tumors and it isn't required because it will cause meningitis, blood loss thereby cell-spillage. ( According to Dr. Ishita sen of FMRI)

Now I have a swallowing problem and my tongue doesn't move properly. My voice has changed and from March 18/2020 till now I have lost over 10 kgs.

My immunosuppressants have been converted from capsules to oral solutions for which I have to pay extra. My food has to be nutritious yet liquid or puree variety so that I can eat something. Till I get my next stereotactic surgery I have to depend on a lot of other medicines.

Helping thy neighbor is helping those in need even if they don't live next door.

This is my plea to consider my struggle and my multiple rare diseases. Consider the society charge in this all-engulfing pandemic where my brother is jobless and considering my medicines and treatment donate little in the fundraiser.

Payel Bhattacharya

Flat 502

Block D2A