Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Viruses, Pandemic and Vaccines

 Viruses live in a twilight zone, somewhere between life

 And its ingredients.

With a potential

Their growth is exponential

Are viruses alive? 

Are viruses the fourth domain of life?

Where do viruses fit on this “tree” of life?

Residing in separate domain of life

However, viruses can infect all other forms of life

Virus genes are everywhere, merged into the genomes of all organisms

With with correct mechanisms

Viruses cannot generate their own energy

They can put host in jeopardy 

 They cannot grow or propagate

They evolve and mutate

Depending on cells they have the key to infect

As they detect

To survive use their mechanism

Have power to bring cataclysm

Teetering on the boundaries of what is considered life

Containing  the key elements that make up all living organisms: the nucleic acids, DNA or RNA

What defines life?

Viruses face constant pressure from immune systems, 

With multiple tactics resist them

 To block their entrance

The trusted troops disarm and kill them when they manage to get In and stop them to enhance

Transmission from host to host is such a basic need

Deepest deathless need

 For infectious agents that some take it a step further.

To increase their number

Contemplating the origins of life fascinate

Studies to understand how life originated

 Understanding the evolutionary history of viruses Confusing fateViruses may shed light

 Wise men at their end know studying them  is right

Viruslike elements spurred several of the most important stages in the emergence of life:

The evolution of DNA, the formation of the first cells, 

and life's split into three domains

No clear explanation for the origin of viruses exist

 Viruses may have arisen from mobile genetic elements

 Gaining the ability to move between cells. 

Hence adapted a parasitic replication strategy. 

 Twisted into a tragedy

Viruses existed before, and led to the evolution of, cellular life. 

Continuing studies may provide clearer answers. 

Or future studies may reveal that the answer 

Is even murkier than it now appears.

Wuhan Institute of Virology was upgraded to the National Highest Biosafety Laboratory 

Lab was involved in the research of coronaviruses 

  The causative agents of the severe acute respiratory syndrome: SARS outbreak 

So be wise of the on your take

South China University pointed out that the intermediate host 

Enhancing at most

 The horseshoe bat was not available in the wet market 

And did not live in the Wuhan territory

The only place the bats existed in the locality was the research facility

Which is just about 100 yards from the Wuhan wet market. 

The horseshoe bats are found only in Yunnan district. 

However, they are neither consumed as food in the city, nor are they ever traded in the market. 

Wuhan Center for Disease Control and Prevention located 280 m from the market, 

The extraction and sequencing of the DNA and RNA from caged animals could have been a potential source of the pathogen. 

The world was to see death of many people due to the antigen


Points out the genetic diversity of the viruses in bats, 

Connecting the dots you can get the fact

Highlighting the possibility 

Of infecting the humans.

As the pools of CoVs in bats were limited, 

Likelihood of a future emergence of this viral outbreak was never anticipated

Chimeric virus containing the SHC014 spike in a SARS-CoV backbone causes robust infections in both human airway cultures and mice

Think twice!

A warning was issued that the starting materials required 

SARS-like emergent strains were already going around 

In animal reservoirs.

 A research team in China that spent 5 years in the Shitou caves of Yunnan 

Sampling from the bats issued a similar warning and raised alerts for a potential disease outbreak 

Causing lots of heartache 

By December 2019, the first cluster of cases of infection with a novel CoV was reported in China.

The origins of the epidemic were investigated. 

The WIV published reports stating that s new strain of CoV had bats as the “probable” source estimated

All the studies of Shi Zheng Li, the lead WIV virologist 

On bat-related CoVs were centered in Yunnan.

 However, the outbreak occurred in Wuhan, 

Which is almost 900 km from Yunnan

 Samples of  infected patients  compared with those from the bats, 

 None of them matched

If not from bats, where did this novel strain of CoV come from?

 The Government of China conducted an investigation 

Reported a wildlife market, 10 miles away from the virology institution

 as the epicenter. 

The theory of lab origin gains credibility

From unrelated, but nevertheless solid and tangible facts seemingly

South China University pointed out

 Intermediate host, the horseshoe bat

 Not available in the wet market 

 Not living in the Wuhan district.

The only place the bats existed in the locality 

Existing in the research facility, 

 Just about 100 yards from the Wuhan wet market.

 In the Wuhan Center for Disease Control and Prevention located 280 m from the market

 The extraction and sequencing of the DNA and RNA

 From caged animals could have been a potential source 

Human mind is very coarse

This center is also adjacent to the Union Hospital, where the first groups of doctors were infected during this epidemic. 

Retracted novel CoV similar to the genetic sequences of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and Ebola.

A stunning cocktail like Coca cola

Unlikely for a virus to have acquired such unique insertion

Naturally in a short duration.

 These artificially engineered modification 

Were thought to increase the range of host cells 

So it can infect and put the world in frustration

Now the virus in the stormy world dwells

Variation is intimately linked to their disease-causing potential. 

We've got everything essential.

Paramount to the understanding of RNA viruses is the concept of quasispecies

This is nothing sham nothing quasi

Viral quasispecies is a population structure of viruses

 With a large number of variant genomes. 

Can sink humanity in their venom 

Quasispecies result from high mutation probability 

as mutants arise continually 

 Changing in relative frequency as viral replication and selection production.

First developed to describe the early replicons

Replicating from single origin of replication 

Components of a primitive RNA world

 devoid of DNA or proteins

By all means 

Viral RNA load correlates with high levels of viral replication

 Patients who developed late respiratory breakdown despite disappearance of nasopharyngeal viral RNA

False representation leads to damnation

Whether viral RNA load in lung tissue, 

Or a surrogate sample such as tracheal aspirate, mirrors the decline in nasopharyngeal shedding.

 Nevertheless, severe manifestations might be immunologically negotiated 

Has obvious implications for the potential to use immune-modulatory therapies for this subset of patients. 

This finding is consistent with recent reports 

Of course, of course

 Corticosteroids were beneficial for acute respiratory distress syndrome, and possibly those with COVID-19. 

Why did I get Covid 19 despite voluntary isolation?

Ignorance prevails

“Ignoring isn't ignorance,

 Ignorance requires guts, boldness

Experts have also strongly suggested

 Solely relying on testing as a safeguard 

You can not expect to be a lifeguard

 People making ‘lax’ and taking other safety measures

For thoughtless pleasures, taking delight in certain measures

Taking  mask-wearing and social distancing lightly

 Pass on infections to others harshly

 Tests are a preventive measure and only effective

 As long as you put in place other security measures

Blood tests at times are a good marker of inflammation

If out of fear and frustration

With knowledge of immunosuppression

Asks me to fall apart I lost heart

In desperate aloneness

The mask lifted

Out came hollowness

She's just a social climber


Worrying about death of spouse

Woman working in slaughterhouse

Who came to care for my mother

Who is my caregiver

Told me die now,

From close proximity

"Holy cow!"

I could see the conspiracy,

The human tyranny,

My contemplations are of Time

 Pieces of coin can change 

Make violent and strange

 Pandemics has been the mainstay of global public health for the last one hundred years. 

We must do better than just respond to pandemics by scrambling for vaccines, developing drugs, and modifying behaviors. 

This traditional approach has proved a failure for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which nearly thirty years after its discovery continues to spread, infecting  millions of people.

We still understand surprisingly little about pandemics and the microbes that cause them.

 We know even less about how to predict or prevent pandemics 

This simply reflects either ignorance about pandemics 

And mindset doesn't discern epidemics 

Before they spread from small towns to cities and the rest of the world. 

Death breaks loose

Consuming  half a world.

Pandemics will increase in frequency in the coming years as the connections between human populations and the animals in our world continue to grow.

Death, despair, entanglements of mankind quickly grow,

Deadliness of H5N1 and the potential to spread like H1N1, a resurge

The deadliness new retrovirus like HIV, 

Most frighteningly, a completely novel microbe that blindsides us, 

Microbial threats will grow in the coming years

 In their ability to plague us,

 kill people, 

Destroy regional economies

 Threaten humanity

 In  ways more severe than the worst imaginable volcanoes, hurricanes, or earthquakes.

What is a pandemic?

 Defining them creates some trouble.

 The word itself comes from the Greek pan, meaning “all,” and demos, meaning “people.”

 Yet, in reality, it is almost impossible 

Imagining an infectious agent that infects the entire human population.

In humans or any hosts, different individuals will have different genetic susceptibility,

  A few individuals will likely be incapable of sustaining an infection because of some kind of genetic immunity.

 Also, the simple logistics of spreading to every single individual in any population makes such a feat nearly impossible.

In attempt  to reduce the pathogenicity of other human and animal viruses 

 Inoculating them into foreign species. 

Although we now look  back with some disdain

 Crudeness of early immunization experiments 

The  1938 injections of poliovirus, grown in  mouse brains, Into humans, most people, including scientists, are  unaware that we still use primary monkey kidney cells to produce  live poliovirus vaccines.

 Likewise, dog and duck kidney cells  were used to make licensed rubella vaccines. 

Experimental  vaccines, grown in animal tissues and intended for human use,  were commonly tested in African monkeys, 

 Many of these monkeys were released back into the wild.

It's shuddering, too much of a funk to fight

 Undoubtedly, many cross-species transfer of viruses  have occurred in the process.

What makes vaccines so troublesome is that their production and administration 

Allows viral contamination

 To breach the two  natural barriers 

 Often restrict cross-species infections:  

First is the skin.

Second is the unique and natural viral surface Characteristics that  reduce the chance that viruses might jump species

 The mixing of  vaccine viruses with others found in the cells and tissues used to  develop the vaccine can potentially lead to the development of  new recombinant mutants

 That are more adaptive and have wider  host range than either of the original viruses

A new infective microorganism which could differ in certain  important aspects from any known disease-causing organisms.

  Most important of these is that it might be unruly to the immunological and therapeutic processes 

Upon which we depend  to maintain our relative freedom from infectious disease.    

Many believe  such research should not be undertaken lest it lead to yet another  method of massive killing of large populations.

In a word, the intentional release of an infectious particle, be it a  virus or bacterium, from the confines of the laboratory or of  medical practice must be condemned as an irresponsible threat  against the whole human community.

 Books and websites consulted

  • EMERGING VIRUSES: AIDS &  EBOLA  Nature, Accident or Intentional?    Tetrahedron, Inc. 1996.    Leonard G. Horowitz, D.M.D., M.A., M.P.H.  Foreward by W. John Martin, M.D., Ph.D. 


The Epic Story of the Deadliest Plague in History



Monday, June 21, 2021

If I am worthy I shall live beyond expectation.

 VHL or Von-Hippel Lindau--tis a cancer-suppressing gene 

This gene is present in you and me

People having VHL syndrome have a mutation, turning you into a tumor-producing factory.

blood-filled tumors form in up to 10 organs of the body.

What can't be prevented or cured 

Must be treated and endured

"If growth occurred without evolution, cancer cells would not be instilled with their dominant power to invade, survive, and metastasize.

Benign tumor is a mass of cells that lacks the ability to either invade neighbouring tissue or metastasize

Every generation of cancer cells creates a small number of cells that is genetically different from its parents

The severity, intensity, strength, pace is a result of perseverance

This mirthless, relentless cycle of mutation, selection, and overgrowth

Which causes tumour growth 

Cells that are more and more adapted to survival and growth. 

In some cases, the mutations

 speed up the acquisition of other mutations. 

This genetic instability, 

A perfect madness, 

Furnishes more momentum to generate mutant clones

Being a mutant I feel it in my bones

Cancer gene exploit the fundamental logic of evolution, Unlike any other illness change the body in their cycle of destruction 

Hence the growth of new blood vessels or angiogenesis id Is a phenomenon, not a disease

The result of a basic evolutionary compromise. 

We are the ultimate product of Darwinian selection,

 The incredible disease that lurks inside us with power behind imagination

Without total cure and prevention.

There's treatment and irradiation

To prolong life not heading for extinction 

If I am worthy I shall live beyond expectation.

Drink in the bliss called "Life"

 Soak in what life has to offer;

Like a sheet of blotting paper,
Create thy sentience,
With knowledge and patience,

Blindness and ignorance,
Will lead you nowhere,
Don't scoff be aware,

Illumination comes through the soul waking up,
Welcoming change with open arms;

Myriad ways to learn,
Turn mirrors into a window,
We are hypnotized by our vociferous insignificant selves;
Reside in a sea of blindness;
Semblance of truth;
We are into stasis you know.
Restful in ignorance 

In trance

Daydreaming in advance

The bold step to welcome change,
Choreographs a dance of awareness;
Adhere to conformity
Makes you an architect of self-decay and you rot;
I chose to gallop not trot

We seek equity
Hoist others from the drudgery
Kindle they inner voice
Many reside in partiality in malady

Life is a mishmash of people
Some are dunce;
They don't understand Science
Popping up like mushrooms,
Orthodox, despise sentience
Reside in ignorance.
Where ignorance is the Master
They handover prescription for disaster;

The superiority over the mass
Squelching others desire;

Adamant, inured wayfarer;
Exploring Journey of the wonderful life

Without a breather

Procrastination never an option
Emerged spurts of Action
Racking brains atop the shoulder
Without fogged conscience
Acquiring knowledge

The so-called population disparaged my action 

            Never abandoning Science

Experienced painful reaction,
Disappointments, haplessness
Nevertheless forged ahead with vigor
In excruciating torment, malady
In  a fogey world with decay,
The fad of formless empathy

Bibliophage: book lover, bookworm;
Bibliophile, reader I am
A cracked egg, crack in the head,
Guts spilling, spilled guts,
Despising affronter I'm nuts.
Forget the World needs acclaim

Again; once more.

No matter what gnaws inside your core,
Overt penchant, dauntless endeavor
Smothered to despair

I have given me hope

for a better tomorrow,

Mum like an angel guiding me

out of my sorrow.

Ambling the way,
Nascent ones,
Those who hold hands
Kindle the passion;
Fly with you fearless,
Regardless of all pointless,
Lead them to fear and fray;
Cumulative Science advances;
A hypothesis becomes a theory,
Yet they adhere to conformity.

Appearance  of the umpteenth maestro,
Detesting odor of knowledge, emotion

Are but hazards thrown in the path of survival;
Yes, visitation of the mystifying

Subhuman, so annoying

Traipsing your way, discover the ruse,
They are the hazards for the malaise;
Acclimatize them,
With their hints of no tomorrow 

Without sorrow;
Their stockpile would soon end,
They boast of a nest egg,
Ensnare you in kinship, plausibility,
You don’t sneak to a sinkhole, 

Halt till the endgame.

Being a person of strong likes and dislikes
Being sure what interests me and certainly doesn't

 "If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold it would be a merrier world"

Would it?
The world seems cold?
Kindle inner fire

Warm it, admire those whose fight 

Is a hold up, slow down combat

Abhor those with the fearfully enclosed mind.

People  deny that and reside in self-spun cocoons, Rejoicing, merrymaking, and hoarding "Gold" for only themselves.---

Everybody has things

They wish not to recall.

Into each life

Some rain must fall.

My heart is an endless subterranean world pounding with desires to drink in the bliss called "Life"
Yet so-called
Sink my needs

 Ensconced snugly and securely  in theirs, 

Yet they can't avoid the bland inevitable.

When going through life's valleys

and thinking there's no way out,

There's hope, without a doubt.

Never live your life

in the past

Enjoy every day

as if it were your last

It is better to be hated

For what you are

Than to be loved

For  something you are not

When God

is in the midst,


doesn't exist.

Saturday, June 19, 2021



The real world is often vastly overestimated. 

Life's more complicated

A miracle, a wonder how I was created

Strange, strange life in a strange world

Now there's fear to bring children

Into the world

Where death breaks loose

How long must I suffer such noose

As far as the people are concerned

Bitter, their emotions have turned.

I have loved and I have learned

The hard-won wisdom I have earned

 If reality differs from person to person, 

Person to person situation

Person to person and man to man

Man's inhumanity towards another man

Insanity and ignorance again

The cries of the dead 

Are terrible indeed

Can we speak of reality singular?

 shouldn't there be plurality?

Everything in life is just for a while

Fretful words melodious guile

Reality denied comes back to haunt

Like sinful creatures leave their graves to taunt

A weird time in which we are alive

Can see into all clearly or darkly?

Supremacy between sanity and insanity 

It's the basic condition of life to violate our own identity.

I'm not much but I'm all I am

And remain as I am

You have to understand the way I am

That is what I am

Today we live in a society

With manufactured spurious reality

creating whole universes, universes inside the mind

Manipulation of words manipulate reality

Truth is as terrible as death

But  harder to find

Things never change

Yet everything changes

Superimposing their two views, you feel nothing is real

Life is a maze.

 The maze shifts as you move through I

therefore, go along willingly with it.

Fear can make you do more wrong than hate or jealousy

If you don't accept death as an inevitability 

I write I feel, I love, 

Reality spun out of my own mind in imagination,

 The world I actually have,

 I should yield to fantasy.

 I have turn reality to


That's the story of life: what you most fear happens, 

What you most aspire for never happens

 This is the difference between life and a dream

I'll die and go away

The dregs will again remain forever 

It's a universal principle 

Regulating throughout the universe; 

The entire universe is moving toward a final state of total, absolute littering, cluttering 

Friday, June 18, 2021



Alone is endless 

Blackhole of nothingness

The stillness of the universe

It had hurt before

I've been through this before

I ain't gonna hear it said no more

Bear no more

My shiny hard diamond

Biggest, brightest diamond

The one that is lost,

Some life that had been lost

The one that stood hard and still.

In the worst smashing way, 

Words so wise do make their way

Softly sprightly,

Doth deftly display

Richly in delight

Deftly in might

So hard and cold

So uncut and so silent

But can't change the climate

Lightening passed through me

I am a cracked pearl 

Shaped like a girl

 Knowing there would be no more of you

And there will be an end of you.

Underneath the sky so blue

 But the universe would roll on just the same

That's why it's the ineffable game

 Unharmed and unhampered

Unrestricted by time

I may not be physically alone

In the veritable reality

Alone without company 

Mentally there is no one in sight

All is gone, all is gone, admit it, taken a flight.

There's nobody in sight,

Tears blinding my sight.

Tunnel of intense loneliness

A numb state of weariness

Needles of pain

Extreme pain 

Becomes pinnacle of pleasure

Life passed in a dream sequence

Money success fear joy pain sorrow

Endless blues

Dreaming endless thoughtless dreams

Alone alone alone terribly alone

Unrelenting brilliance of his emotions

Paying a considerable price in pain

Unless there's some fire and confidence

Fade into infinity

Litter of chaotic words he poured out the story of this life