Friday, May 28, 2021

Princess and the Black Witch

There's a difference between frustration and determination

It's all in your mind

Seek pluck till you find

I am gonna look for hope till my eyes go blind

Leave every relations and friend behind

They slipped out of my mind

Because they are unkind

Is courage equal to desire?

It's as simple as fire

I take a furlough from the falser

Who isn't very kind

 Deep this truth impress'd my mind-

The heart benevolent and kind

In them with a generous mind 

In the whole humankind God I find


Whenever I find myself doubting how far to  go

Willpower and hope there you go!

God helps to make life like a river flow

I am never full of woe

I know I have far to go

The rattlesnake snuck in through with mean intentions 

With love and affection chained and paved hell with their mean expectations.

In a way that's too terrible to mention

"Tarry awhile," says Deadly Witch Slow;

With eyes down to my deathbed aglow

I tell my jester bruvver don't you stand o'er my grave

Shedding tears after killing me dead

It's unbelievable that the day would finally come

Everyone will play deaf and dumb

Expecting help and false peace to come 

Angry witch cursed me some


I have always been denied

But take a tip from the one who's tried

It's worth it even if you fail

Falling like a meteor forever blazing a trail

Mortal flesh 'ave sinned one sin for the pride

He defends with swagger his witch bride

Not thinking Princess could have died

There ain't no sin there ain't no virtue

It's stuff people do

Princess decides how far she has come

The insurmountable she has overcome

Better be a meteor falling forever

Let not be forgotten forever and ever,

Better to flame the darkness with her mother

Where roots of relationship are woven not strong

I will sing it loud and sing it strong

Let the echo but who cares people decide if I was right or wrong

Where a long arm stretched out to wring one neck

And put a rope around the other neck

Oh! What the heck!

Since God made Time and Death and every other thing

It's better to flame the darkness rather than cursing

Inspire others on living

Than to sit in darkness

Remembering everything she faced

Princess  sure ain't gonna  make 'em moments go  awaste

All battles she's won

That can never be undone

A furnace full of fears overcome

Life's statement of ugly vice

The lust of fame,

Terror and tyranny and shame.

Not being dumb or glum 

Didn't rattle her which she overcomes with a hum

Princess faced a firebox of hatred

Wrestling with Black witch

Laughing at misfortune's face

Umm who created bedlam

Spitting out venom

Thinking about the Black witch screams

Her unpleasant way of flying off the handle

To steal and extinguish Princess' candle

Meteor shower

In the night

Blazing their light

Make it too hot to handle

With the confidence, skills and power

Fix'd she stands, by her own might

Hardened by life to face a witch's evil power

There was one a bug who was nuts

Living in imagination never knew

 One day a gun will be stuck in his guts

Bug's belief in fairness

Hope from a family foul  wizards and witches

Who don't value life coveting riches

Happiness, squelched thus he shall topple in ruts

We are responsible for what we are

If we don't drift too far

And whatever we wish ourselves to be 

But if there's a selfsame repartee

"You look after thyself,

I look after myself,

The selfishness of everything will be."

We are endowed with the power to make ourselves

O think of it!  It's a wonder we can even feed ourselves.

What we are now is a result of past actions

Certainly whatever we wish to be can be produced by present actions

The ultimate conclusion is the logic of a fact

For every unjustest act

Blinding us as we retract

About this disease, we contract…

Future will be shaped by present actions

If you're lying, denying all of your actions

Divinity judges by your actions

Doesn't let you travel to flash back and undo your actions

Change what happens, inspect the fractions

Inactions and idleness will lead time drop in decay

But if you act the right way

The  sun beat down upon the steps of time to light the way

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