Saturday, April 24, 2021

Et tu, Brute?


I think every life as rare

As  art misled with false compare,

The world beyond my window weep,

As the saviors are fast asleep

Fit, happy, content, untroubled, and willfully ignorant of many troubles that can befall humankind

Do I see fear wet thy eye?

Ah! if thou hale shalt have to die, 

Healthcare becomes the oldest profession

Showing no affection, awash with unkind notion

Us, unique broken sickly-weakly without money are forever denied

Greatest folly of mankind

Is ego, and pride

We are the bad tooth, burden of the nation

We are part of creation

 Coerced to say "Goodbye", fading away into termination.

But thy eternal summer shalt fade,

 As Death wand’rest in thy shade,

Thou shalt lose possession of that unfair fortune thou ow'est, 

Counting pieces of money

In thy counting-house

Thy days will not remain sunny

Will not remain funny 

Thou shalt heave a sigh

For things, thou can never buy

Hope, sleep, delight


Thou vaunting thy deeds of unfair which fairly doth excel;

With foul pride, black as hell, 

Will be known for thy ruthlessness

Devouring Time shalt blunt thou lion’s paws, 

Thou shalt vainly plead for agelessness

                 Consuming Time, shalt blunt thy teeth, 

The drooling jaws falling, hanging underneath

Time will smash them wholesale

Thy tale would harshly end without detail

All beings rare

 Under Heaven's air

Whom thou falsely compare

Hast unparalleled courage, strength determination

Dedication to fight then reach the ultimate destination

Thou art tyrannous, proud and cruel;   

Demasked thy soul is filth and reek

Upon meeting Death's barren rage, eternal cold thou shalt squeak!

Thou thinkest thou got power even over death 

’Gainst death and all ignorant of thy animosity

Thy verbal virtuosity,

That's a display of gloat and glory!

So, till the Judgement that yourself derive,

Thy mind acts with such velocity,

Overloaded by pomposity,

As Death's dateless time shalt approach 

Which thou cannot choose 

But weep to have that which thou fear to lose.

Whatever happened to the fairness and equality

Thy heartless hostility, 

Oft thou played with the rare

Without care

Sinking them, oppressing, making melancholy

While you sit in all thy glory

Try to make a sad story

Precious thinketh "why do they despise?"

Awarded with pain but heart so deep and wide

Runn’st after that which flies from thee

Why do thou turn thy back on me?

Mayest my spirit and will

Conquer the Devil

Mother is my physician 

Nurseth the condition,     

Feeding me that which doth preserve the ill

We wonder where hast judgment fled

As we climb uphill

Under Heaven's guide

Help me, cried I, 

"My arms are always open for you wide." words came from above the night sky

As Victor of Death Imperishable and sublime

Help me to climb

With wit warmth and vitality

Life is a vast and big cliff and climbing is enjoyable. 

Once you slip at a precarious moment, slide and almost fall off it is unavoidable 

The poor, needy, dependent.

Moving, tottering more rich in hope

Enjoying sweet nature's love beyond the common scope

Without a moan gets restored.

The world standing on one side

With a wall of lust high and wide

That doesn't allow the sight over the other side.

Not being chary

Feeling wary

As lingering pain and Death haste

Says, " Once born thou must die, so purify, cleanse thy sin 

Because playing tyrant, unfair thou fairly transcend the limit"

Being a thing so timid

Losing courage, growing weak

All the depressed shriek

"Et tu, Brute?"





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