Sunday, March 21, 2021

Nurture Mother Nature

The earthy calm with its flora nurtured humankind                        

Nature lent her aid as was ordained by God

Who had a long way to trudge

They stained expectations, 'Tis easier to judge

That his creation would eventually bring its fall

With a mind so small

Heaven never knew they'd grow thicker than peas in a pod

Never knowing in the barren brains with deep vermins of conceits made them blind

        God created them to be bounteous, holy, just,  wise,

Nay, in pursuing fame with lust, temptation

 Lost truth, justice, reputation 

Forgot to be, gentle, kind,

Unenvious, of a grateful mind

Sought the highest bliss and forgot to be humane kind

From fire to tools Mother Nature lent her aids to bless

Gave wise advice to mingle  with charming flora for success

Mosquitoes, worms, and little venomous flies they could slap out of existence

Wild beasts who were meant for coexistence 

With bosom filled with fear

With gazes interlocked wondered if they have a soul

Thought will find when death takes its toll

Heedless of the first sin killed the prey 

Her Mum a fierce lioness was looking for her cub gone astray

Pierced its breast by the arrow on the bank

Others drew back with a doubt of dread 

As one man's foot roused a snake

Who spit venom and all started to shake

Standing close to the water's edge

Saw something flowing downstream

Alive and gleaming under the moonbeam

It was a sweet living thing

From the grassy shore into the shallow water

There came a lance to pierce and it was the first slaughter.

Oysters, crabs, turtles to taste them was another thing

The rest of the world doesn't matter;

For the Thousandth Man will sink or swim

Acclaiming, proclaiming, declaiming Him

Hunting wild pigs, cattle, goats, sheep, deer

As men became advanced science made them aware of the cosmos Every night  they saw yonder hell-fire 

Planets circling and they unite

To decide in the blinking stardust of the pale blue light

For their authority, they'd fight.

Build advanced weaponry 

To protect their territory 

Shine or rain

Clouds of weapons filled the air

Innocents suffered in despair

When weapons clashed heroes bled

Nobody remembered that flowing red

Big Towns were built cutting down woods and meadows where wildlife play

All creatures ran away

Birds flew away

God wishes to punish as humans don't comprehend 

Necessity, pleasure, or lust knows not where Necessity ends

God who grants what his creations hear from every soul 

The only good pleasing news is pained

As he finds his project " Earth" has gone in vain

The sickening human mind is disturbing the food chain

The wretch who can, while he Mischief designs,     

Pull down  old rotten houses, Meadows Mines;

Burns stubs of chopped down trees and spreads dust and smoke

Breathing in polluted air lungs get stressed and choked

Cold and cunning comes forth

Sans wisdom as it has no worth

To punish the wheel of time plans with stars and combine

The foolish heart who wants more

Demands redesign.

What horrid sin condemned the crammed Earth, 

 And cursed a few wombs with such a strange birth?

Tobacco! Oh, the very name doth kill,

Cancer became the deadliest disease.

Sneeze, cough while burning piping hot

Innocents just hang on with what you got

Is the boss of the Earth's disease

The world is stifled but it will not vanish because it is Chinese,

The disease has reduced the overcrowded Earth 

Yet with advanced Science and vaccine refuses to decrease

Because the upper story is empty in most birth

This is like a deadly killer

Who is a winner

Unless we rectify ourselves, use our God-endowed wit

It will push us to the dark abyss, the bottomless pit

So remove all litter

Make sure the air is pure and clear

Nurture Mother Nature and heal her

All sins will be absolved!


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