Saturday, May 15, 2021

Happy Hypoxia in von Hippel- Lindau and Covid

 Valuable, vascularised, happening, hopeful, lifetime of learning and living with vHL or von-Hippel lindau

Even if it may reach the crescendo


Her life was surprisingly spooky

Wracked with an unheard ailment of tumor

She lives not just exists the spook humor

A lifelong genetic condition 

Well, the ailment can't stop her aspirations 

When extra vessels forming into tumors 

If medical men  tear out the tumor

She gets irradiated 

Its later, never sooner

She will not be incapacitated 

It  shows that God has a sense of humor

And the light that shines like a sky littered with stars  is not a star, it's  just a tumor

In up to ten  areas wracking  the body

Instead of slow decay took a decision to study

 With pain blythely bent

Reading ceaselessly extremely content, 

She knows more about her diagnosed syndrome

Reading and writing comfortable at home

Musing I'm sick, it's been known for long

With happy Hypoxia

Yet stamina

I am strong 

With a genetic cancer

No one will drink my pain

Because from an impoverished they don't gain

I have the best answer 

For my treatment

Which happens so frequent

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