Thursday, October 14, 2021

Pancreatic cancer is one of the most lethal malignancies in the world, Neuroendocrine tumors are cancers that begin in specialized cells called neuroendocrine cells. Neuroendocrine cells have traits similar to those of nerve cells and hormone-producing cells.

Pancreatic cancer is one of the most lethal malignancies in the world, with mortality rates being close to the incidence rates. The incidence rates of pancreatic cancer is 3%.1,2 Most patients with pancreatic cancer are diagnosed at the advanced stage due to the deficiency of a standard program for screening patients at a high risk of pancreatic cancer,leading to a poor prognosis with a 5-year survival rate of <7%. Therefore, it is very important to clarify the mechanisms of pancreatic cancer progression and develop novel therapeutic strategies to improve the overall survival of affected patients.

VHL in pancreatic cancer has remained elusive.

Not only Irrfan Khan and Steve Jobs fought neuroendocrine cancer I am fighting it too

Neuroendocrine tumors (NET) are tumors arising from neuroendocrine cells in the body and are found in the gastrointestinal tract, and less commonly pancreas, lungs,thymus and thyroid C-cells. There has been a recent increase in the prevalence of the NETs, which is attributed to better diagnostic procedures. NETs were thought to be slow growing benign tumors in the past but almost all NETs are now considered to have malignant potential.


The plan for cancer treatment depends on where the NET is found in the pancreas and whether it has spread.

There are three ways that cancer spreads in the body.

Cancer may spread from where it began to other parts of the body.

Treatment of pancreatic NETs is based on the following:

Whether the cancer is found in one place in the pancreas.

Whether the cancer is found in several places in the pancreas.

Whether the cancer has spread to lymph nodes near the pancreas or to other parts of the body such as the liver, lung, peritoneum, or bone.

Cancer may spread from where it began to other parts of the body.

When cancer spreads to another part of the body, it is called metastasis. Cancer cells break away from where they began (the primary tumor) and travel through the lymph system or blood.

Some of the tests will continue to be done from time to time after treatment has ended. The results of these tests can show if your condition has changed or if the cancer has recurred (come back). These tests are sometimes called follow-up tests or check-ups.

Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors, known as PNET, are also called islet cell tumors. They are a type of neuroendocrine cancer that starts in the pancreas. There are different kinds of PNET. Some PNET make and release different hormones. They also vary in size and how fast they grow.

PNET are different from other types of pancreatic cancer, because they form from neuroendocrine cells in your pancreas. Neuroendocrine cells are part of your body’s normal “control system.” When your brain and nervous system send messages, neuroendocrine cells release hormones and other chemical messengers to control bodily functions, like digestion, reproduction, airflow to the lungs, and responses to stress or injury.   

There are many subtypes of PNET; most are slow growing, but some may be aggressive.

The most common type of pancreatic cancer, adenocarcinoma of the pancreas, starts when exocrine cells in the pancreas start to grow out of control. Most of the pancreas is made up of exocrine cells which form the exocrine glands and ducts. The exocrine glands make pancreatic enzymes that are released into the intestines to help you digest foods (especially fats). The enzymes are released into tiny tubes called ducts which eventually empty into the pancreatic duct. The pancreatic duct merges with the common bile duct (the duct that carries bile from the liver), and empties into the duodenum (the first part of the small intestine) at the ampulla of Vater.

Endocrine cells make up a smaller percentage of the cells in the pancreas. These cells make important hormones like insulin and glucagon (which help control blood sugar levels), and release them directly into the blood. Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors start in the endocrine cells. See Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumor for more about this type.

A neuroendocrine tumor (NET) begins in the specialized cells of the body’s neuroendocrine system. These cells have traits of both hormone-producing endocrine cells and nerve cells. They are found throughout the body’s organs and help control many of the body’s functions. Hormones are chemical substances that are carried through the bloodstream to have a specific effect on the activity of other organs or cells in the body. Most NETs take years to develop and grow slowly. However, some NETs can be fast-growing. See the Grades section to learn more.

NETs can begin in any part of the body, including:

Gastrointestinal (GI) tract. NETs develop most commonly in the GI tract, specifically in the large intestine (20%), small intestine (19%), and appendix (4%). The GI tract plays a central role in digesting foods and liquid and in processing waste. GI tract NETs used to be called carcinoid tumors. Learn more about NET of the GI tract.

Lung. The lung is the second most common location of NETs. About 30% of NETs occur in the bronchial system, which carries air to the lungs. Lung NETs also used to be called carcinoid tumors. Learn more about NET of the lung.

Pancreas. Approximately 7% of NETs can develop in the pancreas, a pear-shaped gland located in the abdomen between the stomach and the spine. Pancreas NETs used to be called islet cell tumors. Learn more about NET of the pancreas.

A tumor can be cancerous or benign. A cancerous tumor is malignant, meaning it can grow and spread to other parts of the body if it is not found early and treated. A benign tumor means the tumor can grow but will not spread. A benign tumor usually can be removed without it causing much harm.

It is difficult to tell if pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma are benign or malignant, even after surgically removing the tumor and examining it under a microscope. The only sure way to know if a pheochromocytoma or paraganglioma is malignant is if it has spread, called metastasis, or if it comes back, called a recurrence.

Pheochromocytomas and paragangliomas are considered a subset of a group of tumors called neuroendocrine tumors (NETs). A NET begins in the specialized cells of the body’s neuroendocrine system. These cells have traits of both hormone-producing endocrine cells and nerve cells. They are found throughout the body’s organs and help control many of the body’s functions. Hormones are chemical substances that are carried through the bloodstream to have a specific effect on the activity of other organs or cells in the body. All NETs have the potential to become metastatic. Most NETs take years to develop and grow slowly. However, some NETs can be fast-growing. 

A pheochromocytoma is a rare NET of the adrenal glands. The body has 2 of these small, yellowish glands. One is on top of each kidney. Adrenal glands have 2 main parts that function separately: the outer adrenal cortex and the inner adrenal medulla. Each part produces a different set of hormones.

A pheochromocytoma begins in the chromaffin cells of the adrenal medulla. The cells release hormones called catecholamines during times of stress. Adrenaline and noradrenaline, which increase blood pressure and heart rate, are 2 of those catecholamines. A pheochromocytoma can cause uncontrolled surges of extra adrenaline and noradrenaline into the blood. Even though an estimated 90% of pheochromocytomas remain localized to the area they began, these hormone surges can still lead to life-threatening health problems, such as a stroke, heart attack, hemorrhage, or sudden death.

Most people develop a pheochromocytoma in one adrenal gland. Some people develop a tumor in both glands. There can also be multiple tumors in a gland. Pheochromocytomas usually grow slowly.

A pheochromocytoma is called a primary adrenal gland tumor because it starts inside an adrenal gland.

A paraganglioma is a rare NET that develops from the same type of cells that pheochromocytomas do. However, paragangliomas form outside the adrenal glands. These tumors are also called extra-adrenal paragangliomas. The majority of paragangliomas form in the abdomen. They can also form in other parts of the body, including near the carotid artery, along nerve pathways in the head and neck, and in the chest, heart, abdomen, pelvis, and bladder. Paragangliomas are less common than pheochromocytomas. An estimated 60% remain localized and 40% may spread, though that cannot be determined at the time of diagnosis or from the pathology evaluation.

NETs can start in different parts of the body. Like all cancers, NETs are named after the place they start growing. For example, a NET that starts in the lung is called a lung NET. This is the primary cancer. If the cancer spreads to another part of the body, it’s called secondary cancer. 

Around 5 out of every 10 NETs (50%) start in the digestive system. This is also called the gastrointestinal (GI) system. It includes the:

  • stomach

  • small and large bowel

  • pancreas

  • back passage (rectum)

  • Around 2 out of every 10 NETs (20%) start in the lung. NETs can also start in other places such as the:

  • food pipe (oesophagus)

  • appendix

  • skin

  • prostate

  • womb

  • adrenal, parathyroid and pituitary glands

All NETs are malignant (a cancer) by definition. Some NETs are diagnosed early and you might be able to have treatment to cure it.

Money under most circumstances can't buy peace and happiness for you. Your Creator will provide just as much as you need for your own personal sustenance because that is what you deserve, asking for more is being greedy and is a punishable offense. We find everyone running after fame, prosperity, wealth and power which results in daily indigestion and therefore they have built gyms in their premises to work out, not just to build eight-pack abs by shedding out the extra fat but to get rid of menacing indigestion and get a peaceful night's sleep which seems to elude them always.

Our scriptures say

  • Do your duty, but do not concern yourself with the results.

  • The fruits of your actions are not for your enjoyment.

  • Even while working, give up the pride of doership.

  • Do not be attached to inaction.

But people are different these days before doing their duty they are concerned and whining about the effort they have to put in, they desire to bask in the glory of their deeds which makes them choosy... which duty to do… which will fetch them the attention of the world and they take substantial pride in doing something which gives birth to dignity and significance. Sometimes doing hard work which wouldn't fetch money and fame leads to inaction.

Itching and scratching diseases get full attention

My cancer is beyond comprehension

On anti- itching drug shall I focus my attention

Repeatedly scratching is hideous to behold

Mind adopted  with ventues manifold.

Multiple dural based DOTANOC avid enhancing nodular and plaque-like lesions noted bilaterally, largest along right frontal bone measuring approximately 2.1 x 1.0 cm SUVmax 5.23 with adjacent erosion along the inner table of right frontal bone. Other small nodular enhancing lesions noted along left frontal lobe measuring 6 mm SUVmax 

3.78, left temporal lobe 7 mm SUVmax 8.06, right temporal lobe measuring 8 mm SUVmax 

1.73, left parasellar region adjacent to superior orbital fissure measuring approximately 7 mm 

SUVmax 3.97. Few specks of calcification noted in splenic parenchyma.

In a known case of VHL syndrome; PET/CT scan findings reveal multiple DOTANOC avid 

(somatostatin receptor expressing) dural based nodular and plaque-like lesions as 


A protein on the surface of cells that binds to a hormone called somatostatin, which helps control other hormones in the body. Somatostatin receptors are found on many different types of cells, and they may also be found in higher than normal amounts on some types of cancer cells. Knowing the amount of somatostatin receptor in tumor tissue may help diagnose cancer and plan treatment.

Carcinoid is slow growing cancer was Somatostatin analogs: Most neuroendocrine tumors have receptors for the hormone somatostatin. A number of synthetic somatostatin analogs, including octreotide and lanreotide, are available that mimic the action of somatostatin and can be used to treat these tumors. These drugs are usually highly effective in decreasing hormone production and can also help slow tumor growth.

Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy has been used for many years as a treatment for neuroendocrine tumors, and in some cases can be highly effective, particularly for pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors. Drugs that are used include streptozocin and temozolomide.

I am on octreotide

Taking Cyclophosphamide as chemotherapy for metastatic neuroendocrine cancer at BL Kapoor memorial hospital

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Celebrate life by clapping hands

 Power of Time, the entire universe is enveloped by them. 

This world  that is being seen is ultimately imperishable

Today will never come again

Eh? Eh, speak up

The pendulum of time, the cycle of seasons, the movement of planets, 

the activities of animals, human beings, 

All-natural elements, life, wind, water, etc. are always changing. 

Life is a challenge to be met with

Early days were magic and myth

I was in  with

Emotions of surprise, admiration,  sometimes anger, frustration

Sense of security I'd lacked since my father’s expiration

Some say I'm sentimental, tough as what I believe

A tragedy with

Life with its  Olympian humorless

Shards of illusion

Is a wondering in the declaration

The greatest gift of all

Accept it

Honestly, in the madness is a commitment 

Standing on the fringes of life

Things change, friends leave and life doesn't stop for anybody

People who lead by example

And walk their talk.

The crazy rhythm in a winding walk

People who enjoy adventures and like to laugh.

And now is the time to laugh.

For a day and a half

I am a zebra, not a giraffe

Justice, Purity, Equity

Where are people of integrity?

People who are kind

Preys on the mind

Whispered it's tidings, the wind

Winds of passion eternally blow

Important changes they let you know 

These people are my heroes.

Who overcame their deepest sorrows

Attributed my one-way ticket to this world

As life unfurled

That has long faded from the world;

By reading, I could live more intensely

Life isn't like a novel you know 

We exist as long as somebody remembers us

Born alone without any paraphernalia 

Anyone shall you go likewise

Till then in nature's chain feel alive.

Life is the sphere of our sorrow is here today and here tomorrow.

There is no tomorrow without a sorrow

Chase the fancies as diligently

 As they return like flies persistently 

Only the body dies, the soul lives on. 

The body is like a garment, C' mon

When a garment becomes soiled or threadbare it is cast aside.

Warrior fights with gallant pride,

Overcoming the depressing sense.

The daily reminder of life's realities, its effects

If a moment reflects unhappy effects

Change Life from then on

Charging with crazy, unchecked enthusiasm, bold moves

On the chessboard of life.

Restraint on euphoria.

Simmer down emotionally

Breathe life into self

Life becomes cheerful, lively, fresher, appealing

Better start to face it

You can't replace it

Life is a commitment

Fulfillment of a duty, promise, obligation,

Perform it by not being a truant 

My Mum's  resourcefulness has given me an advantage

Her ability to take decisions and act

Her determination, I determination admire

Hunger, poverty, a dream turned out to be a nightmare

Pain would hit me out of nowhere

A disturbing thought hits me

Wits to survive

Staying power

Completely consumes my mind

Blocking out memories and hopes of tomorrow

Flicker of hope

Knew what my place was in the tightly interwoven fabric that was our life

Instead of crumbling to the ground and weeping, I find myself standing up straighter and with more confidence

You have a... remarkable memory

Nobody decent wins the game

Life is a game

Only you are a pawn in the game.

In this game of life

it gets to everyone

You think you're not having fun

And you wonder what you're doing

Playing games of life

No more insert coin

The end of life is near

You just reached

Reached the line of death

A game of noughts and crosses: floating up and up in your bubble, that bubbles have a habit of bursting. The higher you climb, the further you have to fall.

Agony fuses with ecstasy and dream unite with pain

Verses bleed dry

Life is a maze of a puzzling mystery; 

It's enchanted wanderers: and tempted them to pull apart the puzzle by speculation.

Solve the mystery 

Out of curiosity 

Bright Sun and the babbling brook

Singing embraceable songs

A euphoric song amplifies the faint but ecstatic feeling that we could love everyone and find true delight in being alive.

Pushes forward and gives  confidence; 

It provides the space in which they can grow 

Given this encouragement, 

We can accomplish a bigger place in our lives.

Life slowly goes nowhere,

Opportunity was golden

..seize these great opportunities

life will truly start anew in a new way

A gift for strategic thinking and having maverick-free thinking opinions can lead you to success on the horizons of genius.

The realm of communications is particularly fired up and brilliant ideas should be considered seriously for their capacity to bring in huge profits down the road.

If you are sensing something big in the works, this is not your imagination, but rather the long-awaited forward motion that will happen 

Skill born of long patience

Every situation offers an opportunity for laughter

A Wonderful illuminated journey of discovery

Our life is a constant journey, a harsh reality from birth to death. 

Walking fearlessly ahead and never once regretting it

Tragedy always brings about a radical change in our lives

Anyone truly committed to life never stops walking

Unsought journey

Every bit of received wisdom in his head he would get the truth

Journey through dark labyrinths and wrestle with the strangeness that lurked within

Life is a promise fulfilling it ensures 

As promises to educate us in a more gentle and desirable way.

Wasted an opportunity to dignify the miracle of life

promises to educate us in a more gentle and preferable way.

Silver and gold, shiny polish

Promises to educate us in a more gentle

Correct all these quietly soul-destroying aspects of life.

Just don't break your promise

If you don't have your experiences at the moment, if you gloss them over with jokes or zoom past them, you end up

Arise in joy,

By not gathering what grief-stricken destroy,

My leaky boat, I say,

O mortal! mortal! death is a part of life

Let time and no tears shall destroy,

That we may overflow the sky

With universal joy!

Life with its many dark sides,

In all its beauty, grandeur, and magnificence

Without the necessary pence

Life's glamorous ambiance

For its amused, captivating audience

ingenious" "Infectious" "Hysterical laughter"

Push into new realms and ask questions when you don't understand something. 

This is the only way you will learn, develop, and grow mentally and emotionally.

 Don't assume learning stops when you leave school.

Life is knowledge 

Meanness of spirit

Slowness of intelligence

Motivating effect of body and spirits

In solitude, dirt departs so does stench.

Sparkling a cheerful and optimistic streak that spirit

Made spirit rose once again.

Putting in a gale of laughter

Boundless splendor, grandeur, and glory of the spirit

Survivors of major disasters


Did not want to die especially a trivial death

Long and valiant fight in the hospital

The hour proceeded apace

Fights were recounted

Had to keep fighting!I was going to keep fighting!

Bubble has burst and I felt terrible.

Person and the experience of the person, as he faces, and struggles to survive his disease

Heroes, Victims, Martyrs, Warriors

Travelers to unimaginable lands


Unceasing struggle

Alternative was indescribably bad

In a certain stratum of the society

Something seemed to struggle there,

to fight up toward the hidden recesses of mind

Where life is a matter of unceasing struggle

Fatigue, suffering, struggle didn't burn through their skin like a flame burning through candle wax- wonder!

In the jigsaw puzzle of life put all pieces together to get the whole picture 

Stay true to your goals in life right now

 Because you're having so much fun pursuing them! 

Who knew that working towards your dream

 Could involve so much laughter

Your path is one you have created for yourself.

You are reaping what you have sown.

Celebrate life  by clapping hands

Celebrated with song, and dance and merrymaking.

The changing seasons, the caterpillar transforming into a butterfly, cloud-burst and the Sun winking behind the fluffy clouds, All nationalities from distant lands, cold insensitive people, Gluttons, utterly lonely ones, tuneless voices, all have their places in the Universe

Life - brutish, ugly, short

Utterly utterly, unbelievably enjoyable.

Challenging moment

Life and the Light in times of trial

There was time before organisms experienced consciousness,

 And there will be time after.

And if the inevitability of human oblivion is worrying

 I encourage you to ignore it.

 Live in the moment because life is momentary

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Neither pessimistic nor paranoid- just be optimistic about life


I don't know where I am going but I am on my way

Believing what my heart tells not what others say

We all have a great inner power

With the freshness of newly opened flower

What makes life feel like hell is our expectation that it ought to feel like heaven


Aside from manmade ideologies marvel at the hands evident in the creation everywhere

Its Cosmic craftsmanship, extraordinary specialized refinement, of course, is the craftsmanship

Hearken  beautiful melodies vibrating in the pregnant world

Cosmos grant me the serenity to accept things I cannot change, but in the Cosmic project I have a unique membership

Life grants me the best awkward and at horrible a form of war

Reaching the fullest flower of intelligence, personality, and pluck

It's an optimistic wave of a magic wand


In a positive beneficial way

The good omen is truly taking a turn

By inner power and strength of luck

Do you think I frighten

I have but one Cosmic position

You call it life

Life is mostly froth and bubble

Two things stand like stone

Kindness in others trouble

Courage in your own

We are part of the cosmos

 And cosmos in us 

Nitrogen in our DNA, Calcium in our bones and teeth Carbon, the basic unit for organic molecules

We're made in the interiors of collapsing stars

We are the stardust

Cosmic powers grant me the serenity to accept things I cannot change,

 The courage to change the things I can, 

And the wisdom to know the difference

Only pessimists like jaques-disillusioned and satirical with Their observation of life, say about stages of life.

Optimism can make us do anything.

Steer clear pessimism

Easy enough to say 

It is easy enough to say that a pessimist is a person afflicted with an incurable case of sulking, melancholy, sullenness depression

A flicker of madness about eternal life

And immortal life

Think of moment as a death - a life truly ended

Determination to be the giving shape to one's own life

On someone subconscious level confused

Shadow of the as yet unknown

Perennially optimistic way

Optimism amplified by wild desperation

Turns out to be unfailing optimism

Neither pessimistic nor paranoid

Life was a matter of daily struggle

 Pulling apart the horrible puzzle

It's easy to worry in a world of trouble

Hope springs eternal

To a defiantly optimistic

But I survived a hellish jaunt

 For which there was no map or previously beaten path.

 I am not lucky to be surrounded by supportive, loving, and Optimistic family and friends,

With loneliness and solitude by my side

 My Wondermum helped me

To the potty and pee, mind you. 

Soldier on said she " you are an experiment of the Cosmos"

Hey, I am not dotty

This may not be the best of all possible universes

But it may prove to be one of the simplest- Heisenberg"