Wicked, smart people
The panacea that says you can solve all of your problems
When his life was at stake people need solutions, less problems
I am also accredited as a healer
The weight was too great for her fragile spirit and physic to endure.
The Powerful Ones are the Killers.
I understood that when I was attacked by a couple of gorillas
Consequently, caught a virus that would, sporadically
To produce viruses multiply
Wheezing like an accordion oxygen level dropped
My illusion stopped
Fatal misdiagnosis is my other name
How I am alive and well, although without any complaint of breathing problems and cramping abdomen
medical puzzle, and to solve the mystery
Courage is mine, and I have mystery;
Wisdom was mine, and I have plenty of mastery.
Nausea was terrible one night and slimy stuff came out while having dinner. It was awful on 10th February I had diarrhea and vomiting the entire night and in the morning I saw in the process I lost 3 kilos. Being overweight I was overjoyed to become 3 kilos slimmer.
As usual, it was thought I had food poisoning because even homemade food can make a difference to an immunocompromised patient.
We went for a while to Bombay where a doctor bungled up my cyberknife. I still have extreme pressure on both trigeminal nerves.
There's no reason for my choking and hoarse voice.
I can't stand fall
I vomit suddenly
I have neck pain and headaches
Swallowing problem.
I got choked on solid food and coughed my lungs out.
I bite my tongue while eating or speaking My right leg knee feels the same kind of electricity as TN
My gait and I bumped into the bookshelf
My right leg has become weak and if you touch I fall
Blurry vision.
I was confused because of the symptoms of the pancreas which is a warehouse of enzymes for digestion.
Because of tumor congestion
Delivery to the gut is blocked and the brain. I am going to the toilet after every meal.
The centrum semiovale (plural: centra semiovale) is a paired mass of white matter superior to the lateral ventricles and corpus callosum, present in each of the cerebral hemispheres, subjacent to the cerebral cortex.
It has a semi-oval shape and contains projection, commissural, and association fibers, with a newly formed tumor on the left side causing stroke often.
A new finding is a tumor on both sides of temporal lobe
- hearing.
- speaking.
- identifying and categorising objects.
- learning new information.
- correctly identifying emotions in others.
- memory loss.
- seizures or blackouts.
- sensations of strange smells.
It's a well-known fact Dostoevsky suffered from a rare form of temporal lobe epilepsy termed "ecstatic epilepsy." Dostoevsky used his epileptic experiences to create the protagonist of The Idiot.
Perhaps someday I will become Dostoevsky or Idiot but the chances of being an idiot look bleak because my " little grey cells" use them more than Poirot's.
After returning I had several problems. I got a bellyache for a few mornings which I least expected.
I am a Warrior princess who rides a zebra and I forgot my NET oops pet for days.
I noticed weight loss and after every meal, I gotta go to the bathroom.
I didn't mind ' I'm trying to lose weight and a weight loss specialist recommended less food... Should I think about diarrhea?
The least I had were answers as to why I have experienced so many health problems… Especially the anxiousness and nausea but now the diarrhea which won't non stop…. I am getting abdominal pain, liquid diarrhea, sudden blurry vision, tiredness, fizzy burps, odorous fatty stools. It's true, people are disappointing, foul-mouthed, few doctors are discouraging, Government is displeasing.
The vestibulocochlear nerve is the eighth paired cranial nerve has some problems and my hearing is distorted
The facial nerve (VII) is a mixed one, considering its motor root in association with the sensitive root given by the intermediate (Wrisberg) nerve. The taste of the anterior two-thirds of the tongue on each side are its responsibility. From the tongue, this afferent, pre-ganglionic route follows through the lingual nerve (association of nerves V and VII), and afterward through the tympanic cord nerve (facial branch), to make synapses on the geniculate ganglion. Through the intermediate nerve, the postganglionic fibers (afferent visceral special - gustative route) synapse in the solitary tract nucleus of the medulla oblongata, associated with the general afferent visceral fibers, providing sensitive innervation to the mucosa of the nasal cavities and soft palate.
The parasympathetic efferent fibers of the facial nerve, originating from the upper salivary nucleus located on each side of the upper portion of the medulla oblongata, run through the intermediate nerve and afterward through the tympanic cord nerve to make synapses in the submandibular ganglion. Thence, through postganglionic fibers, they stimulate salivary secretion of the submandibular and sublingual glands.
The motor portion of the facial nerve has its nucleus on the ventral portion of the pons. Its fibers stimulate the skin-inserted muscles in the face, neck, and scalp, as well as the posterior belly of digastric and stylohyoid muscles.
There's a problem here.
Most people pooh-pooh vHL but When cells perceive a lack of oxygen (hypoxia), such as through a defect in the tumor suppressor gene (VHL), the transcription factor, HIF (Hypoxia-Inducible Factor), is not allowed to bind to the VHL protein. HIF is thus protected from degradation.
Belzutifan is a hypoxia-inducible factor-2 alpha (HIF-2α) inhibitor. Cells lacking normal
VHL protein express inappropriately high levels of HIF-2α. HIF-2α “drives” the growth of
VHL-associated tumors. Several research groups have shown that blocking HIF-2α in renal
cancer cells lacking VHL results in tumor shrinkage.
Importantly, HIF2a does not act alone. To do its job, it needs to bind to a “partner” protein
ARNT. The HIF-2α /ARNT pairing drives the growth of VHL-related tumors.
Belzutifan is a small chemical molecule that wedges between HIF-2α and ARNT and breaks
the pair apart. The outcome is that HIF-2α, separated from ARNT, is “neutralized” and the
VHL tumors shrink.
VHL is a genetic form of cancer. VHL patients battle a series of tumors in up to 10 parts of the body throughout their lives. Tumors can develop in the brain, spine, retina, kidney, pancreas, adrenal gland, inner ear, reproductive tract, liver, and lung. Lack of timely intervention can often lead to morbidity and mortality.
As stated by Dr. Kaelin, “When you are studying about von Hippel-Lindau disease, you are not just studying about [the] …. disease … you are also now touching other diseases as well, where we can use the VHL gene to understand what is happening.” As such, the understanding of HIF involvement in tumorigenesis provides hope for the 40% of the world’s population who will be diagnosed with cancer at some point in their lives.
Neuroendocrine tumour is a part of vHL or sporadic. A 54-year-old actor gets neuroendocrine tumours the nation gets stunned, staggers and cries for him. Waves of worry in every person. He was an entertainer, actor just that.
When a citizen calls herself Warrior Princess suffering from vHL - a genetic form of cancer. VHL patients battle a series of tumors in up to 10 parts of the body throughout their lives. Tumors can develop in the brain, spine, retina, kidney, pancreas, adrenal gland, inner ear, reproductive tract, liver, and lung. Lack of timely intervention can often lead to morbidity and mortality gets her slotted neuroendocrine tumour. Albeit Irrfan Khan fought bravely for a couple of years
Public, NGOs become R.K. Laxman's common man. Being Satan’s child humans have perks but never speaking or helping. It's not a jolt because she's been born in the fault line during a major earthquake because she got jostle, bang, jounce for 41 years
The Warrior has hopes, aspirations, troubles but gets up without a sigh.