Monday, February 1, 2021

Beyond fears and limitations


Ethan climbed the cliff straight up very high

With guts and nerves without a sigh

The Intelligence Agent climbs the mountains without pain

A witty Sherlock jump the falls headlong using brain

With a portable cylinder of oxygen 

Her fortune, health, money gone

The tough and rough times she's undergone

Worse and worse grow the evil curse

Many uncharted territories she had to traverse

Where the eagles, look with a pitiless glare

In the wide realm of wild reality, she faced glaring stare

Waking  up in the morning, with an awful aching head

O the blues! Weary blues!

Her strong will!

She enjoyed a life of thrill!

Steeled nerves 

Since she was born

"I will win the game" her spirit has sworn

Mind focusing on "Hurrah for positive science!"

Equally positive she can climb up to the incandescent stars

Listening to Bob Dylan's guitar

As afresh wave of consciousness untangled a knot in the nerves

With the power of positive thinking

Grief became a melody

She felt the tears in the vale became a delightful glee

 I am going towards my expectation 

Reasoning closely with introspection 

Discarding the junk of other minds

Strewn in the track of which she had an inkling 

With fierce, fearless mind climbing uphill

She thought as I get troubled in body and mind

Her hand slipped

But she gave a dazzling smile

Tarry awhile 

The mother becomes a fierce Goddess

Climbing at her old age regardless 

"Look around you, don't be blind"

She has a perfect handle on the situation

Take control, show your strength and comprehension

She said with angelic resignation 

A dream of hopes of your pure mind

Concentrating on the problems and difficulties

The apt solution she will find 

Her absent-mindedness will make her subject of cruelties

They are working towards a dream

Alarmingly hanging by one hand under the moonbeam

She swerved to the left rock with a smiling face

She's not blind from within, shows her grace

She climbs up and up to the top leading the way

Mother heard the howling pack of wolves coming towards them, 

Springing to her feet, drawing on the sword progressed fearless mum

The pack accompanied them and she felt they are not the prey

She was intrigued that an aura of brightness is hovering over her top

Her Dreams! Would vividly color  life, 

And end the fleeting, shadowy, misty strife

With faith superior to hope

 With the quiet precision of science, God will sort problems,

As with aplomb, they proceed towards the hilltop.

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