Saturday, October 15, 2022

Capre Diem


Fatal misdiagnosis is my other name

How I am alive and well, although without any complaint of breathing problems and cramping abdomen

medical puzzle, and to solve the mystery

Courage is mine, and I have mystery;

Wisdom was mine, l I have plenty of mastery

The woman told me to embrace winter

Not knowing I am December born

I carry winter in my right pocket

Fifteen times have taken it out and kissed the cold lips

Enjoying the twilight.

I had so many life threatening surgeries, especially the chemotherapy for metastatic NET cancer and my realisation of Memento Mori started very long ago.


I had so many life threatening surgeries, especially the chemotherapy for metastatic  NET cancer and my realisation of Memento Mori   started very  long ago.

Hence Capre Diem.

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