Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Live in the moment, Life is momentary

Mind wonders at the daily miracles of life

It's not very unreal appraising those that came along the path of my strife

I wonder why am I here?

What is the purpose of my life?

When limbs are numbed while strength is usurped by pain

Pain can't seem less miraculous than my happiness

When restlessness and deathly silence spread over the pain

Deadly calmness after surviving nerve-searing  pulses bring on hilarity with creepiness

When Mum hugs me

There's a mood of merriment 

A display of gaiety as dopamine dances in my brain

Walking trifle unsteadily

During my repair process 

I smile readily

There are seasons in life and serotonin 

Brings on a tempest of laughter

Who are you? Where are you from?

I am beyond the laws of Nature, says he

I am within you and every creature

Time, matter space are within my control

I know your pain, grief, poverty

 I am the universe where I created wormhole and black hole 

You have liberty

Listen to the melody

I guard you in your times of fear

Because of me, you are here

You are a belligerent soul and I am always here

I am no horrible stranger exploiting  your consciousness

I am happy with my creation's with daring and boldness

I shall bring you a parcel of happiness 

I reside in you since endless time

As the road is long and hard to climb

Your curiosity with too many questions in mind

When Death will visit you, your vivacious and cheerful nature he will find

Your mind will raise a question about his identity

Carrying the noose hearing  the melodies inside, flabbergasted 

He would ask his bookkeeper to look for any vice, immorality.

 Toing and froing he'd return to his throne in netherland

The shadowland where spirits get 


I believe in you every morning and after 

Strengthened by my high-spirits you are no joke to be forgotten

 As dopamine motivates and shakes hands to up the mood with   serotonin 

With palms pressed on my head

I said

“Creator, I am thy creation. Thou hast  fashioned me and to thee, I owe the joy of my decaying life.”

Wind of change howling outwards

Whispers in my ears

Good tidings will come

Meanwhile, you will just keep afloat

Traveling in the staunchest but leaky boat

You would have serenity, in monsoons and winters

As soon as the sun enters

Wisdom makes you live intensely

 Life is a snapshot of fairness, hope, happiness

Maintaining equilibrium matters immensely 

I wrote a book where did it go?

I can't wait to think about it tomorrow 

It is your hard work

But her harvest season

I am God, I call it treason

In misery and pain and complicated life, 

It's your strife

She is one of those who desire you would be swallowed 

Indulgent minds  try to gain prosperity by unjust means and don't really care

Their luxury, malicious and unkind nature, success so hollow

Sarvam Dukham Dukham

The desire for money is useless as money can't buy peace and happiness 

 As much as you need for your own personal provision will always be provided 

The hobby of collecting money, being greedy makes the selfish creatures divided

I created humans and put in compassion to work hand in hand

Now it's punishable where they stand

Kinship and friendship destroyed in every land.

Sarvam Kshanikam Kshanikam,

Everything is Temporary, 

The money and wealth acquired by unfair,  unjust means you can't carry

Live in the moment, Life is momentary

Future is Shunya, naught

Give it a wise thought 

There's a great deal of learning to do,

 Life's too meaningless unless delved deep inside questioning self and life

I am not into idleness

I have no grand illusions

Pain and discomfort are a part of life

I do not wish for glory

I do what I am destined to do, suffer 

Without any whimper

I do my duty without considering the outcomes

Not concerning with the implications

I do my work without thinking about the fruition

My pride goeth with ernest devotion

I don't have a disease called fear

When I suddenly found nobody near

God designed us connected and sociable

The stronger the linkup the more fondness

Love, warmth, attachment, tenderness, kindness

Cells are the basic unit of life

All cells only arise from pre-existing cells

 The soul is changing as in the body as it dwells, 

Every moment sometimes as a child, sometimes as a youth 

     And sometimes as an old man.

Ultimately body at death and transmigrates to another body

This is the silent truth 

This is how life began

That's the story of the life of everybody 

I would love to believe that when I die I will live again, that some thinking, feeling, remembering part of me will continue. But as much as I want to believe that, and despite the ancient and worldwide cultural traditions that assert an afterlife, I know of nothing to suggest that it is more than wishful thinking...If there were life after death, I might, no matter when I die, satisfy most of these deep curiosities and longings. But if death is nothing more than an endless dreamless sleep, this is a forlorn hope. Maybe this perspective has given me a little extra motivation to stay alive....The world is so exquisite, with so much love and moral depth, that there is no reason to deceive ourselves with pretty stories for which there's little good evidence. Far better, it seems to me, in our vulnerability, is to look Death in the eye and to be grateful every day for the brief but magnificent opportunity that life provides.-Billions&Billions