Friday, November 6, 2020

The splendour of Indian festivals Diwali and Kali pujo


In our scriptures, it's written that Goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and good fortune, lives amongst the stars in the sky. She loves to look down and see lights twinkling on earth as well. So, to please her, once a year on Diwali is celebrated– which falls on a dark New Moon day in November – people were in the habit of decorating the outside of our home with tiny oil lamps.

It was not just the outside that is decorated because the goddess wishes the entire house sparkle with cleanliness and beauty. This kind of demand suits people perfectly. But do we clean our inside- our soul from shallowness, cowardice, and hypocrisy?

Unless polluting-souls of every living creature in the world treat women are, for all intents and purposes indomitable, the loud-mouth fools who could not think for themselves or bicker like animals had the forces of evil within them, their devotion is eroded in the commotion. When you found a wounded pigeon in his garden, if had bludgeoned it to death you have a diabolical soul...gripping devotion bled in the process.

Those with terrible upbringing other people’s misery. Unless you love to assist others in every situation and have the will to find ways to make lives easier for them --- be sure that you would never win Goddess Lakshmi’s approval.

“Survival Is the Greatest Achievement”. Man’s inhumanity to man is an apparently incurable infliction of humankind being not kind enough.

Nowhere in the scriptures is written bursting Chinese firecrackers and making noise pollution or air pollution. 

This year pledge to worship your God with sweets.

Decorate your home with gorgeous rangoli


A pandemic has killed many people globally and the capital Delhi has seen two unwelcome shocks.

So let us pledge a quiet Diwali full of light with social distancing. 

There were two asuras named Shumbha and Nishumbha. They meditated a lot and pleased Brahma. Brahma thereupon gave them the boon that they could not be killed by males. Having obtained the boon, the two demons started to oppress the world.

Brahma went to Shiva. “You have to help the gods," he told Shiva. “I have given Shumbha and Nishumbha the boon that they cannot be killed by males. Find a way so that a female is born out of Parvati’s body. She will kill Shumbha and Nishumbha."

Goddess Kali is represented as a black woman with four arms, in one hand she has a sword, in the other the head of the demon she has slain with the other two she is encouraging her worshipers.

 She wears dead bodies as earrings and a necklace of skulls.

Kali Puja coincides with Diwali. She is the destroyer of evil forces. She is the most powerful form of Shakti.

The most common form shows her with four arms and hands, showing aspects of both creation and destruction. The two right hands are often held out in blessing, one in a mudra saying "fear not" (abhayamudra), the other conferring boons. Her left hands hold a severed head and blood-covered sword. The sword severs the bondage of ignorance and ego, represented by the severed head.

The name Kali means Kala or force of time. When there were neither the creation, nor the sun, the moon, the planets, and the earth, there was only darkness, and everything was created from the darkness. The Dark appearance of Kali represents the darkness from which everything was born. As she is the goddess of Preservation, Kali is worshiped as the preserver of nature.

When there were widespread corruption and deterioration of human society in general, and hence had the sunny idea that humans needed to be wiped out, and civilization needed to start anew. 

Kali is often shown standing with her right foot on Shiva's chest. This represents an episode where Kali was out of control on the battlefield, such that she was about to destroy the entire universe. Shiva pacified her by laying down under her foot to pacify and calm her.

Goddess Kali has given us the power to protect the vulnerable, vanquish the demon, a brute who in a brief time has killed 1,239,991 good people around the world.

The demon Raktabīja had a boon that whenever a drop of his blood fell on the ground, a duplicate Raktabīja would be born at that spot (rakta = blood, bīja = seed) he for whom each drop of blood is a seed").

The genetic sequences for mutations that might have changed the virus’s properties as it made its way around the world.

Scientists are now dismayed asserting that the presence of a silent mutation may even allow COVID-19 to gain an evolutionary advantage over others, and pose the largest threat to human life.

So that the humans aren't wiped off the face of the earth Goddess Kali, the Mother Nature wishes not to burn crackers and destroy her created nature, stay at home and maintain a distance because the brute destroys a body through droplets like Raktabīja, but instead of blood, it uses saliva and wear masks. Ma will be able to battle with the new Raktabīja if we follow her instructions. 

As her other forms Devi Chamunda would keep on wounding him she would collect the blood in a bowl in the case of Coronavirus-vadh she would collect all the viruses in the air and drink it herself.

This the pandemic would stop and life would return to normal. Those who lost their lives will be in heaven waiting for their next birth.

Scriptures say humans have 8 million 400 thousand births and we face consequences according to our Karma, even of our previous birth.

As the pandemic happened, 

Alleviate the gloom of doom.

Prepare, be aware,

Avoid public places, 

Refrain touching faces, 

Stay clear,

Life is not unfair,

Soon days will be brightened. 

Firecrackers of ideas going off every day

Behind the mask is a pure soul

I don't need to see the face everyday

In jeopardy  may humans stand,

But by maintaining distance,

Not travelling to any distant land;

Ensuring safety of the vulnerable, 

Being responsible, together we stand. 

Isolation is not perdition.

Not being utterly hopeless,

But being fearless,

Facing rigidly in calmness

Can bring the nemesis of pathogenesis.

The sinister brute would cast off its crown,

As time frown,

Monsters, cruel, fierce and base;

Causing deaths of life-forms in a brief time,

Would decay and fall,

Die a death approved by all.

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