Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Ingredients for secret recepies for Trigeminal neuralgia

 When you have trigeminal neuralgia you are bound to make a grimace of pain while growling eating solid food. The science of nutrition can help you get pleasure against the probable pain. When you feel you are in a nerve-shattering chaos good food can nourish you and help you get over the pain. So here are a few ingredients of secret recipes.

It's a simple fact that certain foods and sometimes, even the act of chewing, brings on pain for patients with facial pain. This occurs with all manner of orofacial pain.

Whether the trigger is in the type of food, the consistency of the food, the temperature of the food, or the odor of the food, or sometimes all combined, is irrelevant to the fact that taking in the nutrients causes pain. Therefore, a good sense of what constitutes an optimal diet and what constitutes essential nutrition is important to maintaining good health. Poor health, in the face of chronic pain of any type, be it back pain, diabetic foot pain, or face pain will make the pain seem worse.

However, the B vitamins alone, B1, B6, and B12 together, beneficial effect in the care of pain including neuropathic face pain.

Generic name of oats avena sativa.Sativa agents are of interest as it is in part related to the cannabis genus i.e., the same family as marijuana. Marijuana is an example in which a number of anecdotal reports of its usefulness in a variety of pain syndromes exist.

There are advocates of massaging vinegar over the relevant areas of the face and as this is a light acid it may have its beneficial effects.

Garlic can certainly produce adverse effects in such patients but may reduce muscle and joint pain.

Dairy Foods have been linked to the causation of pain.

Certain foods set off face pain and among those, we can include caffeine, chocolate, citrus fruits, and foods that have strong odors such as peppers, cinnamon.

Aspartame which is an artificial sweeter heighten sensitivity to pain.

Aspartame as it moves through the metabolic process simulates certain neurotransmitters involved in the pain transmission pathway and therefore may reduce the balance in the brain between the pro-pain and anti-pain.

Hot foods such as salsa, chili, hot sauce, and cinnamon candy have set off face pain.

Foods that cause pain

  1. nutmeg

  2. black pepper

  3. chocolate

  4. eggs

  5. citrus fruits

  6. meat

  7. wheat

  8. nuts

  9. tomatoes

  10. onions

  11. corn

  12. apples

  13.  bananas

Pain safe foods

  1. brown rice

  2. cooked or dried fruits such as cherries, cranberries, pears, prunes

  3.  vegetables such as artichokes, asparagus, broccoli, chard, collards, lettuce, spinach, beans, squash, and sweet potatoes.

Dietary origins of pain are linked to increased consumption of carbohydrates, especially the refined type and vegetable oils rich in omega 6, fatty acids of omega 3 are thought to be helpful, and decreased consumption of the omega 3s.

We should know the importance of eating carbohydrates that have a low glycemic index, i.e. carbohydrates that are slowly digested such as most whole fruits; most whole cooked or raw vegetables (with the exception of white potatoes); dairy, fish, and meat. Examples of bad carbohydrates, i.e. those digested quickly include most bottled fruit juices, bread, baked goods, breakfast cereals, wheat, white rice, and others.

Three in four of all people – 75 percent - are intolerant to dairy foods like milk, yogurt, cheese, and ice cream.

The presence of persistent symptoms like headaches, cough or asthma, frequent cold or flu, skin problems, stomach bloating, sinus pain, irritable bowel, depression, or low iron levels suggests dairy intolerance. The WHO points out that only one billion of six billion people in the world consume dairy products from cows.

A good diet can help keep cholesterol and blood pressure under control for good circulatory health. If an artery that is pounding on the trigeminal nerve develops atherosclerotic plaque because of high cholesterol, it pounds with even more force, causing more pain. 

B-vitamins, especially B1, B6, and B12 which are an important component of nerve regeneration and repair, and their effects on pain.

B12 is a water-soluble vitamin that is an essential part of the building block process for myelin and may contribute in that regard. 

If damaged myelin is at the heart of the trigeminal nerve's short-circuiting pain, then repairing it would seem to be a logical goal. Neurosurgeons address this problem by seeking to move a blood vessel away from the area where the vessel is beating on the nerve and wearing down the myelin.

RDA( Recommended Dietary Allowance)

Vitamin B-1 (thiamin). Breaks down carbohydrates and is needed for proper nerve function. Deficiency can cause depression, anxiety, and beriberi, a potentially fatal condition that includes pain or tingling in the arms and legs.

RDA: 1.2 mg for men, 1.1 mg for women. UL: not determined. 

 UL(Tolerable Upper Intake Level UL: the amount likely to pose no risk of toxicity for almost all individuals)

Vitamin B-3 (niacin). Needed for proper nerve function. Deficiency can lead to the degeneration of nerves.

RDA: 16 mg for men, 14 mg for women. 

UL: 35 mg.

Vitamin B-5 (pantothenic acid). Manufactures hormones and chemicals that regulate nerve function. Deficiency can cause nerve pain. Found in meat, poultry, fish, beans, peas, and whole-grain cereals.

AI(Adequate intake): 5 mg.

 UL: not determined

Vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine). Needed for proper brain and nerve function. Deficiency can cause a lack of coordination, nervousness, and convulsions. Overdose also can lead to nerve damage. 

RDA: 1.3 to 1.7 mg for men, 1.3 to 1.5 mg for women.

 UL:100 mg.

Vitamin B-12 (cobalamin). Used by the body as a component in manufacturing blood cells and in the production of myelin, the protective coating around nerves. Gross deficiencies of Vitamin B-12 can lead to nerve damage (both pain and inflammation) and to anemia, depression, and memory loss.

RDA: 2.4 micrograms.

 UL: not determined.

Vitamin E. Needed for the proper function of nerves and muscles. Deficiency can cause nerve abnormalities.

RDA: 15 mg.

 UL: 1,000 mg.

Calcium. Needed for nerve transmission.

RDA: 1,000 to 1200 mg. 

UL: 2,500 mg.

Copper. Used in the production of nerve fibers and the myelin sheath around nerves. Deficiency occurs only in severe malnutrition.

RDA: 0.9 mg.

 UL: 10 mg.

Magnesium. Regulates nerve sensitivity. Deficiency can cause tremors and twitching. Found in milk, cheese, broccoli, meats, seafood, spinach, tofu, popcorn, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and wheat bran. 

RDA: 400 to 420 mg for men, 310 to 320 mg for women. 

UL: 350 mg. 

Phosphorus. Needed for proper nerve function. Found in chicken, milk, lentils, egg yolks, nuts, and cheese. RDA: 700 mg. UL: 4 grams 

Potassium. Regulates nerve sensitivity. Found in bananas, oranges, and other fruit juices, broccoli, legumes, mushrooms, nuts, sunflower seeds, meat, fish, poultry, and whole grains. AI: 4.7 grams. UL: not provided.

RDA: 700 mg. 

UL: 4 grams

Potassium. Regulates nerve sensitivity.

AI: 4.7 grams. 

UL: not provided.

Adverse effects of mega doses

High doses of Vitamin B-6 can actually damage nerves within just three months, interfering with proprioception - the sense of orientation of your body in space. In one study, individuals who took 500 mg per day for a year began to stumble frequently and lose their balance. 

A few studies have reported an increase in kidney stones in people who were taking more than 1,000 mg of Vitamin C supplements a day.

High levels of Vitamin A have been linked to headaches and other neurological disturbances. 

Fat-soluble vitamins: A, D, E, and K — are stored in the body for long periods of time and pose a greater risk for toxicity than water-soluble vitamins. Fat-soluble vitamins are only needed in small amounts.

Although it doesn't guarantee it will have the intended effect. And more often even a good thing isn't necessarily better.

 One noticeable effect is the effect of garlic on reducing platelet function. Therefore, it must be used with caution when the individual is also utilizing non-steroidal agents or aspirin for similar reasons. Fresh garlic when applied to painful areas, has produced burns on the face and although it has been around since 3000 BC as an illness preventive, its use for neuropathic pain has had a limited evaluation. Garlic reduces cholesterol and lipid levels so that it may be useful and beneficial in atherosclerosis. Hence, garlic would be an example of a two-edged sword of nutritional therapy where too much or too little of what starts to be a good thing can be a problem for the patient and their overall health status.

Studies have shown, for example, that high doses of Vitamin E interfere with Vitamin K and increase the effect of blood-thinning drugs. Some others have shown that high levels of calcium inhibit the body's absorption of iron, that folic acid can mask symptoms of Vitamin B-12 deficiencies, and that high doses of zinc can lower copper levels.

Nothing should be overdone.

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