About a boy who feared memento mori
His ambition and lust were so strong
His spouse did undisguised horrors on a stupendous scale
He is a crab with a cock in a rare male
It's his tale
Tsk tsk tsk, ennui, malaise, malady
Sister and Brother weren't strangers
Ailing sister called brother to look after mother in danger
The male-only breadwinner
Didn't notice sister has become thinner
Foul, filthy, repulsive words poured out like mud and muck
But to what purpose?
Poorly wired circuitry
Beneath the surface nourished in dirt nutrients
Mess up the wiring and disrupt.
He'd planted a trashy slut
Something you know sometimes a word gets stuck on the tip of your tongue
Death can be a terror to your mind
Instead of friendship or acceptance towards the ailing sister-in-law
And slutty woman demand a woman fighting metastatic neuroendocrine cancer
"You bitch die right now" and gift the virus thou carry which stayed for three months
Delayed chemotherapy made the cancer flare
Wearing my shoes would you keep calm or fear?
If you get a deadly cancer without cure, inoperable
I thought you were dependable
An abominable deed is done one cannot be taken back
It cannot be pardoned because you have a heart so black
Couldn’t figure out if they felt there was a relation
A highly wearable with flaws and damage cold system relation
Asking a dying woman wanting a termination
Irrfan Khan and Steve Jobs, Alan Rickman
They are the rich men
But still the unfazed cycle of death
Vague and hazy visited them
My expiration date is encoded in my genome
As you defended thy slutty spouse going back home
Build your dream zone with thy whore
Defending her you have become a killer and more
Sunday, October 10, 2021
Once born you are at a point of no return- nobody is immortal
Saturday, October 9, 2021
Wearing my shoes So much you'd deduce Want me to tie the laces?
My poems are like Dostoevsky's and I am part of the book idiot with bilateral temporal lobe tumour.
In my tattered shoes
Endless thoughts, endless dreams, endless blues
‘I don’t mind admitting I’m down-hearted'
Blue and down-hearted
Back where all started …
"When I was just a little girl
I asked my mother, what will I be"
Futures not us to see said she
Quick-witted, talkative showing how you feel about people
In the way that your witty communication with them.
Being sympathetic, encouraging quick-witted, talkative,
Showing how you feel about people
In the way that you communicate with them, being sympathetic while encouraging
Cheerfully understanding
Content eating on good times
Enlightening to ignoring bad periods
Live my slice of my life
A world ended trudging across life
Wearing my shoes
So much you'd deduce
Want me to tie the laces?
A girl with a golden soul and good conduct was born
She became older woman with her Mum scattered hounded and torn
Live life in the spirit of dedication for the welfare of humanity.
Any selfless act performed for the welfare of creation may be termed as sacrifice.
Nothing comes without a price,
Those who gladly give up paradise
Live life in the spirit of dedication for the welfare of humanity.
We should not live life just to fulfil our own selfish desires but should extend our help and cooperation to others in the society.
‘Do unto others as you wish to be done by.’
Selfish are object of pity so loathsome
People who do distinction so loathsome
Correctness of behavior
Gettin to the paper
Can my illness be my savior?
Petty thoughts, injury, insult
Offensive base insult and humility
Your strength and your fragility…
But I have ability
No sympathy, no charity
Is simply a small heart reality.
As most people say "No financial help ..sorry!!"
From a wounded warrior who battles throughout life.
Friday, October 8, 2021
Those who flips, spins, and dives through the sky
Born with a sick black heart
People who have good hearts and integrity
Make the world spin.
Infernal twittering din
Floodgates opened
I was subsumed, totally absorbed under the tidal wave of all the misery
Feel like a dagger through my own unbroken heart
Friendly love remark to brighten someone’s day.
People loved who also deserve tokens of affection
They deserve to every now and then sit back, relax, laze a little
Grieve a little,
If you have a sensitive and brittle personality.
Perishable, mortal...fleeting transitory
Easily hurt or arrogant or with deep hatred or disapproval
Couldn't help but see a conspiracy
Heavenly disapproval
Behind every touch of ill fortune
People in stress with crumbling deformed fractured
Lust, the melody of the universe gets fractured
It's easier to be strong than repair demolished men
It is important to fight and fight again, and keep fighting, for only then can evil be kept at bay though never quite eradicated.—
A thankful heart is the greatest virtue,
Neither foes nor loving friends should hurt you,
The parent of all other sincerity.
People who have good hearts and integrity.
Justness and honesty
Standing up for an ideal…
No pleasures, vanities but unwept tears
Sobs trying to fly out of throat
Troubled my mind
Soul floating in space
Striking out against injustice,
Idea has appeared in some unexplored nook of brain
Unexpected things are unable to be processed by brain
His long hands sends a rope
Attached with a scope
Moving ahead feebly grope
Sends forth a tiny ripple of hope
Life is beautiful and surprising and deep
All aren't imperishable is a difficult vision to keep
As you gain strength, courage, and confidence
In every experience
Stopping to look fear in the face.
Say to yourself, ‘I have lived through this horror.
“Today will never come again
Eh? Eh, speak up
As hard times have smitten
Be a blessing, find a friend
Who encourages and tends.
Take time to care.
Feeling to be near the beach
But unable to reach
Grief and sorrow that nobody's heart should bear.
You feel love, care so near and yet so far
Like the sky pierced with hundreds of star
There are also cold sharp pointy stars.
Let your words heal, and not wound.
Tender friends with help in mind go sighing round,
Distress or torture mentally or emotionally; wound
Deeply;in pain greatly:
All bitter criticism shredded my heart.
Heroically lost, heroically won the fight
Certain indications of what was permitted or forbidden
It's so hard to listen
Smiles, pain and tears are words that need to be written
Live in the moment
Not being influenced by any comment;
Enjoying the perfection of the magically graphical
As stars comment
Burn out the galaxy bright
Hurtling towards the goal like a meteorite
Blazing your own trail
Nobody is immortal,
Everyone has his own expiration date.
The closer you get to death,
The more intensely you live.
Only when you are coping with a somewhat death sentence.
You shall want to l try to live a self-indulgent life
Before realizing that this does not fulfill the meaning of existence.
That shouldn't happen in life.
A Warrior fights the battle of life ---
All its dreadful possibilities without a whit of fear
Without thinking that it’s unfair.
Before we are inevitably visited by death
Thrust to total chaos A warrior’s mind gracefully dances to the rhythm of the music of creation and life.
Thus, A Warrior Dies Dancing, That’s Who I Am…
The upshot is life belongs to us but we belong to death
Meanwhile dance away the time you get with all your heart ❤️
Imagine that amazing, life-changing Universe
Growing up--this is the inspiration
Writing a Line of Code!
Quality teachers on long and lonesome road
They will teach you everything you need to know to build and deploy your own games
So you can start turning your passion into a cold hard one in no time.
They knew that over an infinitely long span of time,
All things happen to all men.
Passion for money and luxury
Manifest destiny, man its a luxury
Says the majority with blue
Happiness can't be bought with money
`Cause it's coming from within you
Money for life, health
Love support and care is a wealth
As a reward for his past or future virtues, every man is merited for every kindness---yet also every betrayal, as reward for his past or future inequities.
Much as the way in games of chance,
Heads and tails tend to even out,
So cleverness and dullness cancel and correct each other....
The most fleeting thought obeys an invisible plan,
May crown or inaugurate a secret design.
I know of men who have done evil in order that good may come of it in centuries past…
Viewed in that way, all our acts are just, though also unimportant.
There are no spiritual or intellectual merits…
No one is someone, a single immortal man is all men…
I'm god, hero, philosopher, demon, and world---
A long-winded way of saying I am not.
Neither you can hug yourself nor
you can cry on your own shoulder.
LIFE is all about living for one
So live with those who loves you
the most!
Be humane
Death is a part of life
Sarvam Kshanikam Kshanikam,
Everything is Temporary,
The money and wealth acquired by unfair, unjust means you can't carry
Live in the moment, Life is momentary
Future is Shunya, naught
Give it a wise thought
With the fondest hope shucking despair,
face life when no other greater quality of life is offered
Why fit in when you are born to stand out?
Saturday, October 2, 2021
Smiles, pain and tears are words that need to be written
Born with a sick black heart
People who have good hearts and integrity
Make the world spin.
Infernal twittering din
Floodgates opened
I was subsumed, totally absorbed under the tidal wave of all the misery
Like a dagger through my own unbroken heart
Friendly love note to brighten someone’s day.
From Mum lively, optimistic and gay
My hunger for Mums love that you cannot comprehend
She is my special friend
Until the end
People loved who also deserve tokens of affection
They deserve to every now and then sit back, relax, laze a little
Grieve a little,
Mum has a sensitive and crisp personality.
Perishable, mortal...fleeting transitory
When I am easily hurt by arrogant or with deep hatred or disapproval
Couldn't help but see a conspiracy
Heavenly disfavour
I live with a God amongst the heroic
Like a true poetic savior
Behind every touch of ill fortune
People in stress with crumbling deformed
Fractures and fluidities in human relationship
With lust, the melody of the universe gets fractured
It's easier to be strong than repair demolished men
A thankful heart is the greatest virtue, but the parent of all other earnestness.
People who have good hearts and integrity.
Justness and sincerity
Standing up for an ideal,,.
Strikes out against injustice,
Sends forth a tiny ripple of hope
Life is beautiful and surprising and deep
All aren't imperishable is a difficult vision to keep
As you gain strength, courage, and confidence
In every experience
Stopping to look fear in the face.
Say to yourself, ‘I have lived through this horror.
“Today will never come again
Eh? Eh, speak up
As hard times have smitten
Be a blessing, find a friend
Who. encourage and tend.
Take time to care.
Feeling to be near the beach
Butt unable to reach
Grief and sorrow that nobody's heart should bear.
Let your words heal, and not wound.
Tender friends with help in mind go sighing round,
Certain indications of what was permitted or forbidden
Its so hard to listen
Smiles, pain, and tears are words that need to be written
Sunday, September 26, 2021
Race of life
Relationships have all been bad.
Few friends a Warrior had
Laughs and cries
Mingled naturally with maternal sayings wise
Knowledge is not enough --- we must apply
Geniuses are but silly fools
Let eternity wash over him
Life is too short to fool around with them
If you correct them
They ensnare by flattery or talk very artful
Generosity and altruism is nowhere, because all are born selfish hurtful
Willing is not enough ----we must do
Although I might be laughing loud and hardy, deep inside I'm blue
As Mum took charge, said
After father's death
" crying isn't an option there is no better life waiting for you so face this one and enjoy as life is granted once don't let it go awaste"
Her words put more life in me than death
Telling me in one sweet easy breath
Writing relieves the mind
In a word
Life is not triumph but struggle
Determination, strength and power
Life isn't for a delicious winning
Destroying every life on the way.
For success are Hungry
Such is the queer nature of the human race.
Crowd cheered louder and louder
The race began with fit challenger
Success makes the competitor proud and important
A frail partially blind lady became the challenger
The fit become the only finisher
Power and strength felt delight
But the crowd stood silent
Thinking power has no moral sentiment
Power wondered why aren't they a part of my success achieved effortlessly
Race began holding the hand of the disabled challenger
Walking slowly
Crowd cheered, and applauded
Power exclaimed "Dear God!"
Understanding the crowd cheer for every winner
Power thought in life what is the measurement
Who am I against
Soon people stop cheering
As your end is nearing
Looking back asking
Who was running next to power
The weaker
But didn't help them cross together
Best race run is to finish together
So run this race called life
It's not important to win
It's important how you run the race