Tuesday, January 26, 2021

As brain whirled into activity mind refuses deleterious treatment of doctors


Part 2: Mind

Weary with toil, 

I haste me to my bed, 

The dear repose for limbs with travail tired;

 But then begins a journey in my head

 To work my mind, when body's work's expired: ~ From Shakespeare's sonnets


Shakespeare was not just a writer of genius, for whom the human brain is the complex niche of all the emotions that drive the plots of his greatest plays. From Julius Caesar, and Othello to Coriolanus and The Tempest, the playwright is acutely aware of the ways in which the implementation of our ‘grey matter’ can have multi-colored theatrical effects. There are four plays, in particular, three tragedies and a comedy, that illustrate Shakespeare’s deep understanding of ‘states of mind’: Hamlet, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Macbeth, and King Lear. Each of these plays, successively, illustrates a darkening and deepening of the poet’s neurological understanding. Each has something quite specific to teach the 21st-century mind. It’s often said that Shakespeare was a psychoanalyst 300 years before Freud. We might also suggest, similarly, that the poet was a proto-neurologist for whom states of mind in dramatic conflict contained the essence of his approach to drama.

Canst thou not minister t a mind diseased, Pluck from the memory a rooted sorrow, Raze out the written troubles of the brain, And with some sweet oblivious antidote Cleanse the stuff’d bosom of that perilous stuff Which weighs upon the heart?~ Macbeth 

Inside the womb, epigenetic influences can change the developing brain in ways that increase the risk of eventual suicide. In February 2008 a study revealed that baby boys who are born either short or with low birth weight are more likely to commit violent suicide as adults than longer and heavier babies are, irrespective of their height and weight as adults. Similarly, baby boys born pre­maturely are four times more likely to attempt violent suicide than those born at full term. 

The most common pathway to suicide is through depression, which afflicts people who kill themselves. Researchers found that the depressed who commit suicide have an abnormal distribution of receptors for the chemical GABA, one of the most abundant neurotransmitters in the brain. GABA’s role is to inhibit neuron activity. “If you think about the gas pedal and brakes on a car, GABA is the brakes." ~ The Origins of Suicidal Brains

With deft and faultless thriftiness, Shakespeare has nailed the tragedy of old age, its fears, and fretfulness, and nailed it to a larger

drama that gives it both meaning and consequence. In a

highly modern twist, Lear is neither redeemed nor absolved by his sufferings, his death is brought on by the torments of grief for the loss of his child (Cordelia) and the breaking of an old man’s heart. Shakespeare does not say this—he does not need to—but the monarch without the comforts of reason or the love of family has no future. Neurologists know this, but Shakespeare got

there first.

In chapter 8 of Dorian Gray, Dorian reflects on the terrifying discovery, which he had made the previous night, that the painting has been somehow altered to express his own moral state.

 He speculates thus on a possible explanation for the change in the picture: 

Was there some subtle affinity between the chemical atoms, that shaped themselves into form and color on the canvas, and the soul that was within him? Could it be that what that soul thought, they realized? –that what it dreamed, they made true? 

 At the end of the chapter, he thinks along similar lines:

 Might there not be some curious scientific reason for it all? If thought could exercise its influence upon a living organism, might not thought to exercise an influence upon dead and inorganic things? Nay, without thought or conscious desire, might not things external to ourselves vibrate in unison with our moods and passions, atom calling to atom in secret love or strange affinity? 

Atoms are a paradox making up the painting and Dorian’s own body, and this reminder of the materiality of both. This reminds us, in turn, of the possibility that Dorian, and all human selves, may occupy an insignificant yet inescapable place in the wider processes of the physical world.

Anxieties about one such material process –of evolution, and especially that of degeneration –haunt expressions of the individual. In Dorian’s thoughts about “atoms” lies the extreme possibility that the very distinction between organic and inorganic may be blurred, a doubtful sense that human evolutionary kinship extends beyond even the simplest organisms to matter itself, and that the category of the human is thus under greater threat than ever in the light of scientific theories of the material world. At the same time, the questions that Dorian asks himself envisage not the reduction of the mind to matter but the near-opposite of this: the possibility that “thought” may somehow “influence” the matter of the painting. 

In Wilde’s story, the soul is threatened with disintegration in the wake of physiological and evolutionary forces. Equally, however, these fluid possibilities illustrate Wilde’s sense of the self’s fundamental indeterminacy and resistance. Mind and body exist in intimate and yet dubious combination, each necessarily part of the self and neither reducible to the other. Each, too, is vulnerable to incalculable influences.

Mind, was thought of as the complex of faculties involved in perceiving, remembering, considering evaluating, and deciding. The mind is in some sense reflected in such occurrences as sensations, perceptions, emotions, memory, desires, various types of reasoning, motives, choices, traits of personality, and the unconscious. 

Years ago there was little knowledge of the functions of

the subregions of the human prefrontal cortex. Over the years there has been a great change in the amount of information available on the topic. The major source has been functional imaging. There are enough studies on a variety of different types of task where there are significant differences in activation in complex patterns across prefrontal regions. Thus, a process such as episodic memory (autobiographical memory), previously thought not to be strongly related to frontal functions, now seems to involve five, if not six, anterior regions, which are differentially involved depending on subtle

variations in the tasks. There are a large number of different types of subprocesses that are frontally localized.

Sir, Albert Einstein, and his extraordinary intelligence fascinated all but the genius of his mind remained a mystery. 

Einstein’s brain had an extraordinary prefrontal cortex and that inferior portions of the primary somatosensory and motor cortices were greatly expanded in the left hemisphere. 

The corpus callosum is the largest nerve fibre bundle that connects the cortical regions of the cerebral hemispheres in human brains and it plays an essential role in the integration of information transferred between the hemispheres over thousands of axons.

It is a large C shape of white matter that divides the cerebral cortex into the right and left hemispheres.


Einstein’s corpus callosum circularity is significantly larger.

In most of the genu, midbody, isthmus, and part of the splenium, Einstein’s corpus callosum is thicker than normal but thinner in the most rostral body.

Einstein’s brain weight was very similar to the mean brain weight of the elderly control group. Einstein’s brain was normal for his age

Einstein’s corpus callosum in the genu(knee-like anterior curvature of the corpus callosum of the brain, ending in the rostrum or beak of that organ: as, the genu of the optic tract)is wider.

The corpus callosum (The anterior one-fourth of the callosum is considered the genu. The rostral body begins directly behind the genu, extending back to include the anterior one-third of the callosum. The center one-third of the callosum is split into two equal sections, the anterior and posterior midbody. The isthmus extends from the posterior one-third to the posterior one-fifth of the callosum. Finally, the most posterior one-fifth is considered the selenium)is the largest bundle of white matter neural fibres in the brain that connects the interhemispheric cortices, and it may be involved in any neuroanatomical substrate of hemi­sphere specialization.

The fibres that pass through the callosal ros­trum and genu appear to connect the interhemispheric regions of orbital gyri (The orbital gyri are located on the inferior surface of the frontal lobe. There are four gyri and they are divided by the H-shaped orbital sulci. They have a role in the perception of odors) and prefrontal cortices corresponding with the left and right Brodmann areas 11/10(Brodmann’s areas are typically shown on a map of the brain surface, but each region is continued through the depth of cerebral cortex), which are involved in planning, rea­soning, decision-making, memory retrieval, and executive function.


  • Brodmann areas 1, 2 & 3: primary somatosensory cortex (postcentral gyrus)

  • Brodmann area 4: primary motor cortex (precentral gyrus)

  • Brodmann area 5: somatosensory association cortex (superior parietal lobule)

  • Brodmann area 6: premotor cortex and supplementary motor cortex 

  • Brodmann area 7: visuo-motor coordination  (superior parietal lobule)

  • Brodmann area 8: frontal eye fields

  • Brodmann area 9: dorsolateral prefrontal cortex

  • Brodmann area 10: anterior prefrontal cortex

  • Brodmann area 11 & 12: orbitofrontal area (orbital gyri, gyrus rectus, rostral gyrus and part of superior frontal gyrus)

  • Brodmann area 13 & 16: insular cortex

  • Brodmann area 17: primary visual cortex (V1)

  • Brodmann area 18: secondary visual cortex (V2)

  • Brodmann area 19: associative visual cortex (V3, V4 & V5)

  • Brodmann area 20: inferior temporal gyrus

  • Brodmann area 21: middle temporal gyrus

  • Brodmann area 22: superior temporal gyrus (including Wernicke area)

  • Brodmann area 23, 24, 28 to 33: cingulate cortex

  • Brodmann area 25: subgenual area

  • Brodmann area 26: ectosplenial portion of the retrosplenial region of the cerebral cortex

  • Brodmann area 27: piriform cortex

  • Brodmann area 34: dorsal entorhinal cortex

  • Brodmann area 35 & 36: perirhinal cortex & ectorhinal area

  • Brodmann area 37: fusiform gyrus

  • Brodmann area 38: temporal pole

  • Brodmann area 39: angular gyrus

  • Brodmann area 40: supramarginal gyrus

  • Brodmann area 41 & 42: primary auditory cortex (Heschl gyrus)

  • Brodmann area 43: primary gustatory cortex

  • Brodmann area 44:  part of Broca area (pars opercularis, part of the inferior frontal gyrus)

  • Brodmann area 45: part of Broca area (pars triangularis, part of the inferior frontal gyrus)

  • Brodmann area 46: dorsolateral prefrontal cortex

  • Brodmann area 47: pars orbitalis, part of the inferior frontal gyrus

  • Brodmann area 48: retrosubicular area

  • Brodmann area 52: parainsular area

There is a hypothesis consistent with the finding that Einstein had relatively expanded prefrontal cortices. The morphology of both his corpus callosum and prefrontal cortex may have provided the foundation for his exceptional cognitive abilities and remarkable thought experiments.

The neural fibre bundle that passes through the callosal midbody and isthmus mainly connects corresponding interhemispheric pre-motor cortices (Brodmann area 6), primary motor cortices (Brodmann area 4), primary somatosensory cortices (Brodmann areas 1/2/3), secondary somatosensory cortices (Brodmann area 5) and parts of the parietal region. These fibres have the largest and most heavily myelinated axons, which transfer information faster. Einstein had an enlarged omega-shaped fold in his right primary motor cortex, which probably represented the motor cortex for his left hand, an unusual feature that may have been associated with the fact that he was a right-handed violin-player from childhood. 

Fibers of the posterior isthmus and splenium are thought to connect corresponding parts of the superior parietal lobules (Brodmann area 7), inferior parietal lobules (Brodmann areas 39/40), and temporal cortices (Brodmann areas 20/21/37), whereas other fibres of the splenium have been shown to connect extensive cortical regions including the occipital cortex (Brodmann areas 17/18/19).

The superior parietal lobules are involved in visuomotor coordination, spatial attention, and spatial imagery. Recent functional MRI studies indicate that the superior parietal lobule and the intraparietal sulcus (groove)are both activated during mental arithmetic and digit memory tasks. The inferior parietal lobules are concerned with language, mathematical operations (especially on the left), spatial perception, and visuomotor integration. The occipital cortices are in charge of visual processing and can be activated during imagery with eyes closed. The inferior temporal gyri (Brodmann area 20) are involved in high-level visual processing, recognition memory, face and body recognition, and processing of color information. The parietal lobes of Einstein’s brain were 15% wider. Einstein’s right superior parietal lobule (Brodmann area 7) was considerably wider than the left, his right intraparietal sulcus was highly unusual, his left inferior parietal lobule appeared to be relatively expanded compared to the right, and the cortical surfaces of Einstein’s occipital lobes were very con­voluted. The ratio of glial to neuronal cells was significantly greater in Einstein’s left compared to right Brodmann area 39 and relatively increased in the bilateral temporal neocortices. The glia affects neuronal excitability, synaptic transmission and coord­inate activity across networks of neurons.

It was observed significant positive correlations between posterior callosal thickness and intelligence measures. Einstein’s extraordinary spatial imagery and mathematical gifts were grounded on definable neurological substrates. Although the intelligence of human beings cannot be fully explained by regional cortical volumes, Einstein’s extraordinary cognition was related not only to his unique cortical structure and cytoarchitectonics, but also involved enhanced communication routes between at least some parts of his two cerebral hemispheres.

Thus Einstein’s cerebral hemi­spheres by comparing the morphology of his corpus callosum with that of 15 elderly healthy males and 52 young healthy males. We found that Einstein’s corpus callosum was thicker in the vast majority of subregions and that Einstein’s corpus callosum was thicker in the rostrum, genu, midbody, isthmus, and (especially) the splenium. These findings show that the connectivity between the two hemispheres was generally enhanced in Einstein compared with control  The results of our study suggest that Einstein’s intellectual gifts were not only related to specializations of cortical folding and cytoarchitecture in certain brain regions but also involved coordi­nated communication between the cerebral hemispheres. Last but not the least, the improved approach for corpus callosum measurement used in this study may have more general applica­tions in corpus callosum studies.

~ From Brain a Journal of Neurology

The corpus callosum of Albert Einstein‘s brain: another clue to his high intelligence?

To explain the relationship between intelligence and the internal and external  world  of the individual;  the analytical, creative, and practical comprise each sub-theory category respectively.

Understanding the nature of the components of intelligence is not alone sufficient to understand the nature of intelligence because there is more to intelligence than a  set of information processing components.  Sternberg held that we could scarcely understand what makes one person more intelligent than another,  by only understanding the components of processing based on an intelligence test.   

In Sternberg’s view, the three-part triarchic model breaks down intelligence into analytical, creative, and practical intelligence.   For example, someone may be book smart but lack creativity and street smarts. 

Another person may be creative, but lack analytical and practical skills; another may be quite practical but lack the creative and analytical abilities others have.

By incorporating analytical, critical, and practical intelligence you can achieve successful intelligence.

Most intelligent people fail due to: a lack of motivation, a lack of impulse control, a  lack of perseverance, a  fear of failure, procrastination, the inability to delay gratification, and due to having too little or too much self-confidence.  

 A  new  powerful  metaphor  was  spreading rapidly:  that  the  mind  is  to  the  brain  as  a  computer  program  is  to  the hardware  of  the  computer  on  which  it  runs.  This,  to  a  large  extent,  remains the  dominant  paradigm  in  present-day  cognitive science.

Being a bibliophile, loving knowledge, and having a chronic disease abliophobia I believe in esteemed Mr.Sherlock Holmes' words

“I consider that a man’s brain originally is like an empty attic, and you have to stock it with such furniture as you choose. A fool takes in all the lumber of every sort that he comes across, so that the knowledge which might be useful to him gets crowded out, or at best is jumbled up with a lot of other things, so that he has a difficulty in laying his hands upon it. Now the skilful workman is very careful indeed as to what he takes into his brain-attic. He will have nothing but the tools which may help him in doing his work, but of these he has a large assortment, and all in most perfect order. It is a mistake to think that that little room has elastic walls and can distend to any extent. Depend upon it there comes a time for every addition of knowledge you forget something you knew before. It is of highest importance, therefore, not to have useless facts elbowing out the useful ones.”

My mental states  and  processes  are  supposedly  made  up  of  a  different  sort  of  stuff  and take  place  in  a  different  sort  of  realm.  I disregard the  view  of  this  prevalent  tendency to  equate  mind  with  brain,  and  the  accompanying  assumptions  about  the spatial  boundaries  of  the  human  cognitive realm. My brain is naturally adaptive and the natural plasticity and unique brain's circuitry, partially busted makes it plastic par excellence and  makes me endure anything and not be a victim but a Warrior 👸 Princess.

Sunday, January 24, 2021

As brain whirled into activity mind refuses deleterious treatment of doctors

For the past few years, there has been a dramatic change in the early diagnosis of brain tumors. New imaging techniques make a possible early diagnosis of brain tumors and decreased morbidity from surgical intervention or irradiation.

First, let us understand our upper story then we'll be able to know how to handle the bump inside it.

Our brains literally give meaning to things that happen in the world surrounding us through the five senses of sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste, the brain receives messages.

The brain controls thoughts, memory, and speech, movements of the limbs, the function of many organs within the body. Also helps us by how we respond to stressful situations.

The brain is an organized structure, divided into many units that serve specific and important functions like regulating heart and breathing rates.

The central nervous system is made up of the brain, its cranial nerves, and the spinal cord.

The brain is composed of two types of cells: neurons and glial cells, also known as neuroglia or glia. The neuron is responsible for sending and receiving nerve impulses or signals. Glial cells are non-neuronal cells that provide support and nutrition, maintain homeostasis( sensors all around the body measuring various things and sending the information back to the brain keeps everything stable and constant to keep the body working properly. This implies maintaining a stable internal environment), form myelin, and facilitate signal transmission in the nervous system. In the human brain, glial cells outnumber neurons by about 50 to one. Glial cells are the most common cells found in primary brain tumors.

The brain is contained inside the bony cranium which protects the brain from injury but still, it's a vulnerable organ. Repeated damages can disrupt the brain's normal performance even if it doesn't crack the skull and damage and make the victim unconscious.

Meninges are the three membranous envelopes—pia mater, arachnoid, and dura mater, that surround the brain and spinal cord. 

Dura Mater: In the brain, the dura mater is made up of two layers of whitish, nonelastic film or membrane.

The two special folds of the dura in the brain are called the falx and the tentorium. The falx separates the right and left half of the brain and the tentorium separates the upper and lower parts of the brain.

The arachnoid mater is made up of delicate, elastic tissue and blood vessels of varying sizes.

It is thin and delicate and covers the entire brain. There is a space between the dura and the arachnoid membranes that is called the subdural space. 

The layer of meninges adjacent to the surface of the brain is called the pia mater. The pia mater has many blood vessels that reach deep into the surface of the brain. The pia, which covers the entire surface of the brain, follows the folds of the brain. The major arteries supplying the brain provide the pia with its blood vessels. The space that separates the arachnoid and the pia is called the subarachnoid space. It is within this area that cerebrospinal fluid flows.

Pia mater that covers the brain and spinal cord and together with arachnoid mater are together called the leptomeninges.

Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) surrounds the brain and the spinal cord. It is a clear, watery substance enabling to cushion the brain and spinal cord from injury and also serves as nutrient delivery and waste removal system for the brain...This fluid circulates through channels around the spinal cord and brain, constantly being absorbed and restored. It is within hollow channels in the brain, called ventricles, that the fluid is produced. A specialized structure within each ventricle, called the choroid plexus, is responsible for the majority of CSF production. 

The ventricular system is divided into four cavities called ventricles, which are connected by a series of holes, called foramen, and tubes.

Two ventricles enclosed in the cerebral hemispheres are called the lateral ventricles (first and second). They each communicate with the third ventricle through a separate opening called the Foramen of Munro. The third ventricle is in the center of the brain, and its walls are made up of the thalamus and hypothalamus.

The third ventricle connects with the fourth ventricle through a long tube called the Aqueduct of Sylvius.

CSF flowing through the fourth ventricle flows around the brain and spinal cord by passing through another series of openings.


It is one of the brain's most durable portions. It's an automatic control center for many involuntary actions of the body being a pathway for many impulses traveling from the rest of the brain.

If you consider the body as a sort of machine with certain basic actions that must be maintained and coordinated regardless of the state of our mind. The brain stem not only controls heartbeat and respiration but it wakes up the rest of the brain and activates the other areas it regulates blood pressure as time passes like adjusting the eyes to varying light while eating it produces saliva and coordination of muscles used to swallow. If food goes down the wrong way, the brain stem forces us to cough. If the brain stem is damaged there can be severe consequences like paralysis, death, coma.

The brainstem is the lower extension of the brain, located in front of the cerebellum and connected to the spinal cord. It consists of three structures: the midbrain, pons, and medulla oblongata. It serves as a relay station, passing messages back and forth between various parts of the body and the cerebral cortex. Many simple or primitive functions that are essential for survival are located here.

Pons is involved with coordinating eye and facial movements, facial sensation, hearing, and balance.

The midbrain is an important center for ocular motion, motor movement, particularly movements of the eye, and in auditory and visual processing while the pons is involved with coordinating eye and facial movements, facial sensation, hearing, and balance.

The reticular activating system is found in the midbrain, pons, medulla, and part of the thalamus. It controls levels of wakefulness, enables people to pay attention to their environments, and is involved in sleep patterns.

Originating in the brainstem are the cranial nerves that control hearing, eye movement, facial sensations, taste, swallowing, and movements of the face, neck, shoulder, and tongue muscles. The cranial nerves for smell and vision originate in the cerebrum. Four pairs of cranial nerves originate from the pons: nerves five through eight.

The medulla oblongata controls breathing, blood pressure, heart rhythms, and swallowing. Messages from the cortex to the spinal cord and nerves that branch from the spinal cord are sent through the pons and the brainstem. Destruction of these regions of the brain will cause "brain death."

The Cerebellum is also an automatic part of the brain but unlike the brain stem, it doesn't start any actions of its own. It serves as a regulator and coordinator for muscles. The human body has 600 muscles. When we perform an action we don't think about which one to contract or relax at the right time. The cerebellum guides the muscles smoothly for the actions we are performing. It helps to maintain muscle tone, posture, and equilibrium and acquaint our bodies in space. Located at the back of the brain beneath the occipital lobes it is separated from the cerebrum by the tentorium (a fold of dura). The cerebellum fine tunes motor activity, like the fine movements of fingers as they perform surgery or paint a picture. It helps to maintain posture, sense of balance or equilibrium, by controlling the tone of muscles and the position of limbs. The cerebellum is important in one's ability to perform rapid and repetitive actions such as playing a video game. In the cerebellum, right-sided abnormalities produce symptoms on the same side of the body.

Cerebrum, the largest and uppermost, and the major portion of the brain. It is divided into two parts --- the cerebral hemispheres and accounts for two-thirds of the total weight of the brain. One hemisphere, usually the left, is functionally dominant, controlling language and speech. The other hemisphere interprets visual and spatial information. 

The cerebral hemispheres consist of an inner core of myelinated nerve fibers, the white matter, and an outer cortex of gray matter. 

The cerebrum is a term often used to describe the entire brain. A fissure or groove that separates the two hemispheres is called the great longitudinal fissure. The two sides of the brain are joined at the bottom by the corpus callosum. The corpus callosum connects the two halves of the brain and delivers messages from one half of the brain to the other. The surface of the cerebrum contains billions of neurons and glia that together form the cerebral cortex.

The cerebral cortex is responsible for integrating sensory impulses, directing motor activity, and controlling higher intellectual functions. The human cortex is several centimeters thick and has a surface area of about 2,000 square cm (310 square inches), largely because of an elaborate series of convolutions; the extensive development of this cortex in humans is thought to distinguish the human brain from those of other animals. 

The cerebral cortex appears grayish-brown in color and is called the "gray matter." The surface of the brain appears wrinkled. The wrinkles are different in every individual. They in a way determine the intelligence of the individual as the wrinkles are formed to increase the surface area of the brain and more surface area implies more neurons and more neurons imply more a more intelligent individual. 

This I deduce despite the destruction of a lot of my brain, ahem, I am a person with a lot of intellect.

Einstein's corpus callosum had incredibly deep connections between the halves of 3 important brain regions… 

  • His prefrontal cortex  --- The prefrontal cortex (PFC) is the cerebral cortex covering the front part of the frontal lobe. This brain region has been implicated in planning complex cognitive behavior, abstract thinking,  personality expression, decision making, and moderating social behavior. The basic activity of this brain region is considered to be the orchestration of thoughts and actions in accordance with internal goals. relates to abilities to differentiate among conflicting thoughts, determine good and bad, better and best, same and different, future consequences of current activities, working toward a defined goal, prediction of outcomes, expectation based on actions, and social “control” (the ability to suppress urges that, if not suppressed, could lead to socially unacceptable outcomes).

  •  Parietal Lobes- These lobes interpret simultaneously, signals received from other areas of the brain such as vision, hearing, motor, sensory, and memory. A person’s memory, and the new sensory information received, give meaning to objects. Possibly his parietal lobe missed a wrinkle and was 20% bigger than a normal brain. He may had more glial cells.

  • The visual cortex - which is the primary cortical region of the brain that receives, integrates, and processes visual information relayed from the retinas. It is in the occipital lobe of the primary cerebral cortex, which is in the most posterior region of the brain.

So having more glial cells make you unique or more wrinkles in the brain, I am kind of confused with it but I have a lot of glial activity in the parietal lobe as the consequences of the surgery.

The cerebral cortex has sulci (small grooves), fissures (larger grooves), and bulges between the grooves called gyri. Beneath the cerebral cortex or surface of the brain, connecting fibers between neurons form a white-colored area called the "white matter."

Nerve fibers in the white matter primarily connect functional areas of the cerebral cortex. The gray matter of the cerebral cortex usually is divided into four lobes, roughly defined by major surface folds. The frontal lobe contains control centers for motor activity and speech, the parietal for somatic senses (touch and position), the temporal for auditory reception and memory, and the occipital for visual reception. Sometimes the limbic lobe, involved with smell, taste, and emotions, is considered to be the fifth lobe.

The cerebral hemispheres have several distinct fissures. By locating these landmarks on the surface of the brain, it can effectively be divided into pairs of "lobes." Lobes are simply broad regions of the brain. The cerebrum or brain can be divided into pairs of frontal, temporal, parietal, and occipital lobes. Each hemisphere has a frontal, temporal, parietal, and occipital lobe. Each lobe may be divided, once again, into areas that serve very specific functions. The lobes of the brain do not function alone: they function through very complex relationships with one another.

The gray matter of the cerebral cortex usually is divided into four lobes, roughly defined by major surface folds. The frontal lobe contains control centers for motor activity and speech, the parietal for somatic senses (touch and position), the temporal for auditory reception and memory, and the occipital for visual reception. Sometimes the limbic lobe, involved with smell, taste, and emotions, is considered to be the fifth lobe.

The 12 Pairs of Cranial Nerves 


  • Olfactory (smell) 

  • Optic (vision) 

  • Oculomotor (movement of eyes and focusing) 

  • Trochlear (movement of eyes) 

  • Trigeminal (sensation in the face, jaw muscles used in chewing) 

  • Abducens (movement of eyes) 

  • Facial (facial muscles, scalp, taste) 

  • Acoustic or vestibulocochlear (hearing, balance) 

  • Glossopharyngeal (taste, muscles used in swallowing, sensation in the pharynx and middle ear)

  •  Vagal (movement and sensation in pharynx and           larynx; sensation in abdominal organs; monitors heart rate, blood pressure, and digestion) 

  •   Accessory (muscles in pharynx, larynx, upper neck, and upper throat) 

  Hypoglossal (movement of tongue)


The hypothalamus is a small structure that contains nerve connections that send messages to the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland develops from an extension of the hypothalamus downwards and from a second component extending upward from the roof of the mouth.

It’s located at the base of the brain, near the pituitary gland to which it is connected by nerves.

While it’s very small, the hypothalamus plays a crucial role in many important functions, including:

  • releasing hormones

  • regulating body temperature

  • maintaining daily physiological cycles

  • controlling appetite

  • managing of sexual behavior

  • regulating emotional responses

When the hypothalamus doesn’t work properly, it’s called hypothalamic dysfunction.

Several things can cause hypothalamic dysfunction, including:

  • head injuries

  • certain genetic disorders, such as growth hormone deficiency

  • birth defects involving the brain or hypothalamus

  • tumors in or around the hypothalamus

  • eating disorders, such as anorexia or bulimia

  • autoimmune conditions

  • surgery involving the brain

Symptoms of hypothalamic conditions

Hypothalamic conditions can cause a range of symptoms. Which symptoms you may experience depend on the part of the hypothalamus and the types of hormones involved.

Some symptoms that could signal a hypothalamus problem include:

  • unusually high or low blood pressure

  • body temperature fluctuations

  • unexplained weight gain or loss

  • changes in appetite

  • insomnia

  • infertility

  • short stature

  • delayed onset of puberty

  • dehydration

  • frequent urination

The frontal lobe is literally the largest of the four lobes of the brain, extending from the front of the brain almost halfway towards the back of the brain.

The frontal lobe plays a substantial role in decision making, self-control, and emotional regulation, providing the ability to behave appropriately in interpersonal situations. Motor skills such as voluntary movement, speech, intellectual and behavioral functions. The areas that produce movement in parts of the body are found in the primary motor cortex or precentral gyrus. The prefrontal cortex plays an important part in memory, intelligence, concentration, temper, and personality.

It incorporates thinking skills by maintaining attention, high-level thinking and problem-solving. It is believed that humans' large frontal lobes are responsible for advanced thinking and innovation, as well as the ability to imagine situations.

There are some differences between the right and left frontal lobes. The back of the frontal lobe is a region called the motor strip, which controls and directs the body's voluntary physical movements. The left motor strip controls movements of the right side of the body, while the right motor strip controls movements of the left side of the body.

There are also functions that are predominantly controlled by the left frontal lobe or the right frontal lobe. Along with the neighboring parietal and temporal lobes, the dominant (usually the left side) frontal lobe is involved in language, rational, quantitative, and logical thinking, and analytical reasoning.

The right frontal lobe is involved with creativity, imagination, intuition, curiosity, musical and artistic ability.

 Damage to the frontal lobe of the brain can cause a range of symptoms, including motor weakness and behavioral problems. A variety of conditions can damage the frontal lobe, including stroke, head trauma, and dementia.

The premotor cortex is a region found beside the primary motor cortex. It guides eye and head movements and a person’s sense of orientation. Broca's area, important in language production, is found in the frontal lobe, usually on the left side.

Frontal Lobe Damage Symptoms

Symptoms of damage to the frontal lobe can vary because there are so many functions carried out by the frontal lobes. These symptoms may include one or more of the following:

Weakness on one side of the body or one side of the face


Inability to problem solve or organize tasks

Reduced creativity

Impaired judgment

Reduced sense of taste or smell


Changes in behavior

Low motivation

Low attention span, easily distracted1

Reduced or increased sexual interest or peculiar sexual habits

Impulsive or risky behavior

Damage is most commonly caused by degenerative disease or a stroke, and other, less common conditions affect the frontal lobes as well.

Strokes and transient ischemic attacks (TIAs), can also impair the function of the frontal lobe. When blood flow through one or more of the blood vessels that provides blood to an area of the frontal lobe becomes interrupted or bleeds, the corresponding region of the brain suffers and cannot function as it should.

Occipital Lobes are located at the back of the brain and enable humans to receive and process visual information. They influence how humans process colors and shapes. The occipital lobe on the right interprets visual signals from the left visual space, while the left occipital lobe performs the same function for the right visual space.

In general, the occipital lobe deals with aspects of vision, including:

  • distance

  • depth perception

  • color determination

  • object recognition

  • movement

  • face recognition

  • memory information

The parietal lobe is located near the center of the brain, behind the frontal lobe, in front of the occipital lobe, and above the temporal lobe.

The parietal lobe contains an area known as the primary sensory area. This is where impulses from the skin, such as warmth, cold, pain, and touch, are interpreted. Just like the primary motor area in the frontal lobe, the more sensory input that comes from an area of the body (like the fingers), the more surface area of the parietal lobe is involved in the processing of that information.

The parietal lobe is located near the center of the brain, behind the frontal lobe, in front of the occipital lobe, and above the temporal lobe.

The parietal lobe contains an area known as the primary sensory area. This is where impulses from the skin, such as warmth, cold, pain, and touch, are interpreted. Just like the primary motor area in the frontal lobe, the more sensory input that comes from an area of the body (like the fingers), the more surface area of the parietal lobe is involved in the processing of that information.

The parietal lobe is also an essential element of spatial information, which gives us the ability to judge size, distance, and shapes. A specific triangular-shaped area known as the parietal association cortex gives us the ability to understand written language and solve mathematical problems.

This is the reason why I can't do any math, having done integral and differential calculus in college. Also as I was operated on the right side my left fingers have no sense.


Temporal Lobes are located on each side of the brain at about ear level and can be divided into two parts. One part is on the bottom (ventral) of each hemisphere, and the other part is on the side (lateral) of each hemisphere. An area on the right side is involved in visual memory; is largely responsible for creating and preserving both conscious and long-term memory. It plays a role in visual and sound processing and is crucial for both object recognition and language recognition.

Helps humans recognize objects and peoples' faces. An area on the left side is involved in verbal memory and helps humans remember and understand language. The rear of the temporal lobe enables humans to interpret other people’s emotions and reactions.

Dysfunction in the temporal lobe may cause dysfunction in the mind.

Limbic system -the following structures are part of it:

Hypothalamus. In addition to controlling emotional responses, the hypothalamus is also involved in sexual responses, hormone release, and regulating body temperature.

Hippocampus. The hippocampus helps preserve and retrieve memories. It also plays a role in how you understand the spatial dimensions of your environment.

Amygdala. The amygdala helps coordinate responses to things in your environment, especially those that trigger an emotional response. This structure plays an important role in fear and anger.

Limbic cortex. This part contains two structures, the cingulate gyrus, and the parahippocampal gyrus. Together, they impact mood, motivation, and judgment.

The pineal gland is a small, pea-shaped gland in the brain. Its function isn’t fully understood. Researchers do know that it produces and regulates some hormones, including melatonin. Melatonin is best known for the role it plays in regulating sleep patterns. Sleep patterns are also called circadian rhythms.

The pineal gland was commonly dubbed the “third eye” for many reasons, including its location deep in the center of the brain and its connection to light. Mystic and esoteric spiritual traditions suggest it serves as a metaphysical connection between the physical and spiritual worlds.

The posterior fossa is a small space in the skull, found near the brainstem and cerebellum. The cerebellum is the part of the brain responsible for balance and coordinated movements. The brainstem is responsible for controlling vital body functions, such as breathing.


The thalamus serves as a relay station for almost all information that comes and goes to the cortex. It plays a role in pain sensation, attention, and alertness. It consists of four parts: the hypothalamus, the epythalamus, the ventral thalamus, and the dorsal thalamus. The basal ganglia are clusters of nerve cells surrounding the thalamus.

Our brain is a very complex organ controlling and coordinating everything from the movement of your fingers to heart rate. The brain also plays a crucial role in processing emotions. Brain’s machinery is being continuously rewired and functionally revised throughout our life. Despite my vicissitudes, I understand my brain. I live with a brain riddled with tumors boldly.

Part -2 will follow