Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Disarming the trusted troops

Certain medications are nothing short of miracles for the patients who need them. Medications such as anti-rejection drugs, chemotherapy, and corticosteroids are life-saving for many patients, but like many treatments, these pharmaceutical marvels come with side effects. And at least one of these side effects requires some potentially significant lifestyle adjustments.

The side effect in question? These medications may increase your risk of infection. 

In other words, the drugs like sirolimus, predisolne, Cyclosporine, Mycophenolic or tacrolimus jeopardize your immune system. They are immunosuppressant drugs.

Sounds alarming, but what does it even mean?

What does it mean if a drug is an immunosuppressant?

It means the medication has the potential to interfere with the processes in the body that prevent infection and this interference is what allows the medication to work.  

How and why this happens depends on the particular drug. In general, however, the medication causes all or part of your immune system to “turn off” so that your body doesn’t go into attack mode, waging war against whatever it sees as a foreign invader. 

Steroids and anti-rejection medications target T-cells, which are lymphocytes that control the immune response.

The anti-rejection protocol generally is just a shot to your system to suppress everything.

 This almost implies that if you are taking some of these medications you will fall ill every time you pass by someone with the sniffles along with the big stuff, like the flu or tuberculosis. Are you going to need to live in a bubble from here on out?

What are the side effects of immunosuppressants?

Fortunately, in most cases, an actual bubble won’t be necessary. Unless there's a pandemic going on and you are ill-fated that the army to protect you is disarmed. However, it is extremely important to understand the outcomes of living with a compromised immune system so you can protect yourself.

Side effects of immunosuppressant medications may include gastrointestinal problems like diarrhoea, nausea, and vomiting. However, the most serious side effect of taking an immunosuppressant is the risk of infection.

That could mean catching every single bug your family member brings home from work or the very real possibility that a flu diagnosis will land you in the hospital. You are also more likely to experience complications from foodborne illnesses, bug bites, and environmental hazards (like mould). Oh, and you know all of those recent H1N1 outbreaks? You could be always at risk. Immunosuppressants also leave you at risk for very rare and difficult to treat infections, moulds fungal pneumonia and certain types of lymphoma.

Be diligent about basic hygiene procedures such as hand-washing. Everyone knows that hand-washing is the best thing you can do to avoid getting sick, but it is even more important for those who are immune-compromised and anyone who comes into contact with them. 

Make sure to wash fruits and vegetables.

Avoid people who have active infections (don’t be shy about telling people to keep their distance, either). 

You may need to wear a mask at times (if you are on an aeroplane and people are coughing, for example), and it is also wise to avoid large crowds. 

Staying up-to-date on all of your vaccinations is extremely important. 

Adopt healthy lifestyle practices (get plenty of sleep, exercise, and eat a healthy diet). 

If you think you might be sick or show any signs of infection, call your doctor immediately. The wait-and-see plan that applies to so many other people does not apply to the immunocompromised population. This is especially true with fevers.

If there is a high fever, they need to run to the emergency room so they can see a healthcare provider but I got a mysterious fever when I got to the emergency room of Medanta the medicity at 2 am in the morning because I was getting tetany and needed calcium drip.

Soon after discharge from the hospital after liver transplant, I got viral infection varicella and was treated with experience of first viral infection.

It was my plight when I was diagnosed with an RCC H1N1 was raging in Delhi and I had to commute to different hospitals because Medanta doctors wanted to do a needle biopsy before taking the tumour out. I would have gotten seeding that way and metastasis in the process would eventually have occurred. I travelled to different hospitals and got a cuckoo fever which wouldn't go. I couldn't get my blood tested for H1N1 and the clock was ticking because my RCC was 2.8 cms just a little below the threshold. The surgery was confirmed with Dr Gogoi at FMRI but still, he said he can't perform surgery with infection in the body. 

By Divine will I thought of calling Dr Randeep Guleria, he gave me some medicine over the phone and green cough syrup and I believe it's his experiences and expertise that I recovered and became ready for the surgery.

I always wore a mask when I went out. I carried and still did till before the lockdown a hand sanitizer in my handbag. You can never take enough precautions. 

During the winter months, my brother came to spend time with us. He has a sinus problem and gets a cough and cold because of the weather change the whole winter, I had no sleep spending time coughing away.

The ultimate example of the risk of infection is getting MDR-Tb. I was losing more weight than the exercises I was doing and the food I was taking. I never had outside food but still, the doctors didn't think of that. Two years after the liver transplant I had a bewildering high fever which puzzled the doctors. After three months of continuous fever with a swollen lymph node made the physicians think. The lymph nodes biopsy showed TB infection(AFB+). More than 4 months of being on anti-Tb-treatment showed lung condition worsening. HAIN test confirmed that the bacteria is resistant to Rifampicin, Isonazid and ethambutol hence a change was implemented but it didn't work and I stopped walking due to immense pain pelvis onwards. Head and Neck surgeon, Dr Handa removed the TB bacteria-infected lymph node, did surgery of lymphadenopathy.

Dr.Randeep Guleria of AIIMS changed the medicines to highest degree antibiotics and the expensive drugs cured MDR-Tb but till this day I need a walking stick to walk and can't do most of the daily jobs for which I have to depend on her 69 years old mother and I can't climb stairs.

All the time I use tissues, to wipe my face, eyes, nose because I was advised not to use a handkerchief as if you fold it in and use the other side the infection will be back and I don't have the power to fight them. My faithful troops have been disarmed or perhaps just turned off. I always wash my hands properly but in the freezing winters or when outside use hand sanitizer to control my infections.

Except for the lift at Medanta, I avoid crowded places. If you ever visit and have no problems with taking the stairs it's a better option. They have no discipline, a jostling crowd of people pushing, shoving and nudging a  patient and I have to guard the vulnerable parts where I have had surgeries. They all want to get into the same lift and reach the doctor in time. Everyone is in a hurry. In the process many a times I have gotten hurt, I wonder what the management does with a big screen off CCTV in his room. I love clear airy spaces. Medanta hospital is like a railway station.

The trigeminal nerve is also involved with the teeth and often sets in tooth pain so under the advice of my transplant hepatologist I visited the dentist under antibiotic coverage last year. But after returning I felt feverish and fever rose to 105 degrees and three lymph nodes in the neck stood out.

Head and Neck surgeon who removed the TB bacteria-infected lymph node advised an ice bath to bring the temperature immediately down and then he treated it. This way I have suffered many unknown fevers, and infection dealt with doctors who know her low immune system and the disease.

Just before this pandemic, my trigeminal neuralgia went so high that my heart stopped jumping with joy, enjoying the elixir of life and as I learnt to shed tears of wicked pain hugging my mother at night when the soul screamed out with the agony and howling in pain. I hugged my mother and muttered and cried as a bolt of lightning right out of nowhere started me hitting again and again.

All my life I have kept looking for hope. I have undergone countless surgeries including cancer and liver transplant and a few life-threatening ones but I have never stopped hoping. Hope sustains us. I got this hope from Bombay who said he could definitely treat me by cyberknife radiosurgery.

Dr Shankar Vangipuram really kept me in a bubble. The hospital kept me admitted in a very good room with a "no visitors allowed" sign on the door and the doctor told everyone to use shoe covers, gloves and caps and aprons while entering my room. He told me to wear a mask always and to speak with anyone with a distance of 1 ft. 

I am extremely happy the way they treated me and my disease. I need to go back to the left side of my brain again after 2-3 months. Unfortunately, the pandemic ruined my plans. The pain on the right side is better. Another weird thing is that if you draw a line in the exact middle of my face, the right nose, lips, cheek, skin under the eye feels leathery numb. I was quite alarmed and I thought my right nose might perhaps be running. I tried to blow it nothing came out. Thankfully I remembered in a few cases, numbness happens. I wondered then when I can safely get the left side done my entire face would be numb! He said numbness is better than pain.

Immunosuppression strategy during the COVID19 pandemic 

Although there is a concern that organ transplant patients may be at a higher risk of COVID-19 infection, there is no evidence as of now to modify the immunosuppression protocol. Standard immunosuppression should be followed in the post-transplant period until further data is available.

Follow up post-transplant.

Patients should follow up with their respective centres as usual. It is strongly encouraged that the patient should avoid hospital visits for routine follow up and consult online via telemedicine.

There is a concern that immunocompromised patients are at a greater risk of morbidity and mortality due to COVID-19 infection, although data on liver transplant patients is limited at present.

Thus, I assume imprisonment in your own home isn't just a wise idea but a sensible one until it's safe outside. Well, not only that I have created my own bubble inside my own room. Cleaning every surface I touch with an alcohol-based cleanser. Things I use every day, using sanitizing wipes for my precious books and cleaning myself thoroughly every day. Wearing a mask when required. Living under great problems...with the geyser not working, A.C. not working but not letting in any repairmen.

From the tiny list of my past unforeseen infections and the way Tb has destroyed my lung power, I might say that the favourite God( ishta-devata) I believe in will not give me more.

Friday, September 18, 2020

My Leptomeningeal hemangioblastomas( rarest brain tumors)


Hemangioblastomas of the CNS are solid or cystic vascular-rich tumours, most common in the cerebellum, less frequent in the brainstem or spinal cord and rare in supratentorial locations with meningeal involvement.

Leptomeningeal dissemination of hemangioblastomas (HB) of the central nervous system (CNS) is extremely rare. Between 1902 and 2013, approximately 132 cases were reported. Few studies have reported leptomeningeal involvement in sporadic HB or in HB associated with von Hippel­Lindau syndrome.

A Ga-DOTANOC PET-CT based SSTR imaging because VHL syndrome associated hemangioblastomas frequently express SSTR confirmed that the tumours in my brain are hemangioblastomas. With this, the true nature could be seen and the diagnosis was confirmed.

Detecting and treating the condition of leptomeningeal hemangioblastoma without delay seems to help survival, though the number of patients analyzed is small. Patients may have other underlying health issues that may affect the data.

Because no case of de novo development of disseminated HB without previous surgery has been reported, it is strongly suggested that the spillage and spread of tumour cells through the CSF space may be an origin of hemangioblastomatosis in patients with a genetic predisposition to the condition, Care should be taken to avoid tumour cell spillage during surgery.

These tumours are extremely vascular. A biopsy would make them bleed resulting in a stroke. After my first brain tumour surgery, done in 2006 I woke up with paralysis on the left side. After the craniotomy ( open brain surgery) I experienced total numbness in arms and hands and I couldn't close my fingers and make a fist. But this was sorted out by proper physiotherapy and exercise and she got back the control of my limbs but even now she doesn't have sensations in her fingertips.

I prefer getting stereotactic radio-surgery before the growing tumours start putting pressure on the brain and become symptomatic but I lost the vision of the right eye due to a tumour sitting atop the optic nerve.

Advanced radiation techniques, such as radiosurgery, are more effective than conventionally fractionated radiotherapy, but it is difficult to perform high-dose radiation therapy or radiosurgery for numerous lesions scattered throughout the brain. 

Radiosurgery appears to be safe and has prevented local recurrences in her case, with fewer sessions than conventional radiation which caused white matter changes representing chronic ischemic changes. Since she couldn't afford cyberknife and underwent conventional radiation therapy in 2017 after which this happened.

Sometimes tumours treated with radiation, on follow-up MRI imaging scans, appear stable without evidence of growth even mildly shrinking every time.

But radiation has several side-effects

Radiation Therapy Side Effects: 

Esophagitis and Mucositis.

Since it becomes difficult to swallow foodstuff, it requires to make a puree of finely chopped fresh fruits and vegetables and taking nutritious food that is easy and convenient to swallow. High- protein milkshakes are required. Local anaesthetic mouth wash and artificial saliva help. A lot of help from a good dentist and head and neck specialist helps. The real question is how I swallow my medicines? I crush a few but in the case of the immunosuppressants and anticonvulsants, I mostly choke on them. The rest I choose which I can do without for the time being because doctors are not responding during this pandemic time.

Other side effects are

Fatigue is very common with radiation treatment and tends to begin a few weeks into therapy. Fatigue typically resolves slowly over the weeks and months following treatment but with mucositis, it's hard to get back strength. Also, the two radiation therapies and two cyberknife tend to have a permanent effect but I need more which is being delayed.

Hair loss may occur where you received radiation. Hair typically starts to regrow three months or so after treatment. However,  my hair didn't grow back exactly as it was before treatment, not only hair became thinner but loss became permanent with a bald patch.

Muffled hearing: Your hearing may become muffled during treatment. This typically resolves in 2-4 weeks after finishing treatment, however after the cyberknife 17 March 2020 it hasn't resolved yet but the pain is slowly getting better and that's a blessing.

Skin irritation: The skin in the face is irritated, dry, or sensitive and full of rashes. This is negligible compared to the benefits.

The thyroid gland/Pituitary gland gets affected which causes menstrual problems which could easily have been sorted out by an endocrinologist because I have hypoparathyroidism as well as hypothyroidism. But again a communication gap and not understanding why I am not getting my blood levels tested.

A bump on the tongue appeared after the cyberknife but now it seems smaller than before without any doctor's help.

Short term memory loss- after the 2013 cyberknife there was a  short term memory loss for a long time but never happened in the following radiation treatments.

So you might say why I want a cyberknife and that too in Bombay, well I went to every hospital in Delhi looking for good treatment but all doctors wanted was a biopsy of the rare leptomeningeal hemangioblastomas. A biopsy isn't required for diagnosis as it may cause meningitis and blood loss thereby cell spillage, putting my life in danger.

I live in a special realm

where moments are cherished, 

days are numbered,

and years are celebrated.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

My landmark liver transplant

I had a liver transplant owing to several tumours in the liver which could not be taken out individually causing excruciating pain due to frequent haemorrhages in 2008. The largest lesion caused splaying of the portal vein around the lesion. Hepatic veins were compressed and displaced by the segment 4&8 mass lesion. I had two episodes of bleeding in the hemangioblastomas and required hospitalisation.

A non-fdg avid lung nodule was found in the right lower lobe.

           The necessity of immunosuppressants.

The transplanted liver needs the immune system to be suppressed so that it isn’t rejected like any pathogen. Immunosuppressants are expensive life-saving medicines. I am on immunosuppressive medicines for life.

The essence behind continuing an immunosuppressive regimen is that the transplanted organ into the body of the host is not similar in genetic structure(DNA) of the recipient.

We have been endowed with a wonderfully complex structure called the immune system to protect us from viruses which are essentially nucleic acid DNA or RNA.

Hence, the immune system not having the capacity to distinguish between a new organ transplanted to save life destroys it instead which results in rejection.

Immunosuppressive treatment begins during the surgery and continues throughout the patient's life. Regular blood tests and other maintenance strategies by which medicines at specific doses are adjusted periodically by constant monitoring to prolong the transplant recipient's life and prevent acute or chronic rejections of the graft.

All immunosuppressants leave the patient more susceptible to infections and less able to fight them off.

Soon after discharge I got viral infection varicella and was treated with Zovirax.

I am an MDR- TB survivor with pulmonary, lymph and bone involvement.

Two years after liver transplant a lymph nodes biopsy showed TB infection(AFB+). More than 4 months of being on anti-Tb-treatment showed lung condition worsening. HAIN test confirmed that the bacteria is resistant to Rifampicin, Isonazid and ethambutol hence a change was implemented but it didn't work and I stopped walking due to immense pain pelvis onwards. Dr.Randeep Guleria of AIIMS changed the medicines to highest degree antibiotics and the expensive drugs cured MDR-Tb but till this day I need a walking stick to walk and can't do most of the daily jobs for which I have to depend on her 69 years old mother.

Such unforeseen infections haunted throughout my life increasing the cost of health maintenance.

The trigeminal nerve is also involved with the teeth and often sets in tooth pain so under the advice of my transplant hepatologist I visited the dentist under antibiotic coverage last year. But after returning I felt feverish and fever rose to 105 degrees and three lymph nodes in the neck stood out.

Head and Neck surgeon who removed the TB bacteria-infected lymph node advised an ice bath to bring the temperature immediately down and then he treated it. This way I have suffered many unknown fevers, and infection dealt with doctors who know her low immune system and the disease.

Immunosuppression strategy during the COVID19 pandemic 

Although there is a concern that organ transplant patients may be at a higher risk of COVID-19 infection, there is no evidence as of now to modify the immunosuppression protocol. Standard immunosuppression should be followed in the post-transplant period until further data is available.

Follow up post-transplant.

Patients should follow up with their respective centres as usual. It is strongly encouraged that the patient should avoid hospital visits for routine follow up and consult online via telemedicine.

There is a concern that immunocompromised patients are at a greater risk of morbidity and mortality due to COVID-19 infection, although data on liver transplant patients is limited at present.

Thus, I assume imprisonment in your own home isn't just a wise idea but a sensible one until it's safe outside.

Monday, September 7, 2020

The puzzle remains unsolved

 She shook her head, trying to clear it and wake up fully. From somewhere there was a blast of RAP music from a stereo floating in the air. She has a sound sensitivity and feels so dizzy and a horrible excruciating, stabbing electric pain when listening to loud sound.

What a nightmare, she thought her life appears to be turning into.

“Feeling better?”, 

 If anyone asked, she always replied "good" with a smile on her face. But things have changed lately, and she doesn't say so. 

Standing in the balcony she hurled out curses steadily against the uncle,  aunt and the Didi singer who tried to swat her out of the way like a fly sitting on the wall can be easily swatted with a rolled-up magazine. 

They made a cunning plan to shove her out of the way so that without her the family doesn't insist upon that the inheritance belongs to the family because she was the Achilles heel and without her parents won't survive and they could easily take over the family estate. Her father didn't have sufficient money for her liver transplant when they hatched the wretched plan.

‘Money’ and ‘Power’ are the root causes in every act

of a felony, every crime, every treachery committed since time immemorial. Money, gold, holds allure because it gives power, a lavish lifestyle and many are ready to harm a life for its powerful charisma. Money tempts most people to wrongdoing. Crime is as old as humanity. Thus, it is since ancient times that brothers are

slaughtering brothers for the power of the throne and the wealth it brings along. Slaughtering, poisoning, strangling, asphyxiating, backstabbing, but achieving money and power and destroying every life in the way. Such is the queer nature of the human race. A son instead of being dutiful towards his parents desires the end of

the ailing, helpless parents and shoves them out of the way, a raving egomaniac parent drunk with the influence of wealth, affluence, power withholds what the offspring truly deserves, thus strangling the life out bit by bit.

Her father performed a bold act and everyone became concerned, heaving and gasping for air after a massive heart attack he approached everyone and everywhere. He was popular for his rare integrity and sterling qualities and his desire to help everyone. 

"Can I help?" Everyone replied save any relatives for whom he had dedicated his life.

The renowned magician who got the Merlin award in magic performed with his troupe to help a tragic incident yet the singer who came as a tenant and was nobody, when she was six years old but rose to heights living in their house eventually by creating an ultimate illusion outwitting her father unworldly enough to trust salt for sugar engaged in a battle to acquire the flat which rightly belongs to her who was desperately in need of money to fight malady that has hit out of the blue, where banknotes can only resuscitate. She never thought of performing a show and living in the same house we were suddenly strangers. 

She often gets a terrible recurring nightmare where something seems to be chasing her, with no storyline, whatsoever that has to do with fear, just a terrible overwhelming feeling would almost certainly engulf her. She doesn't grieve her situation of unremitting misery nor does she fear the coexistence of multiple rare diseases and pain.

The tragic incident of her father's death, made her face shocking poverty but she survived where, not only did she have money for food the next day, but also overcame MDR- TB and its expensive treatment along with two sessions of radiation therapies (in the brain for leptomeningeal hemangioblastomas) which went on for six weeks, one cyberknife and not forgetting the kidney cancer. All her life-saving surgeries and treatments and diagnosis happened at the nick of time. I’ve had numerous surgeries, not dismissing from mind thyroidectomy which led to HypoPara (hypocalcaemia due to low parathyroid hormone level). 

But she knows, In every field of life, you enjoy the results of your work or suffer the results and you cannot escape it. This is your karma. You suffer or enjoy the results of your activities from time immemorial, but you can change the results of your karma and this change depends on the way you react. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. What she's suffering is the karma of her past lives, it depends on her reaction towards her sufferings, how she is going to cope, get along, manage.

It is said that what goes around, comes around which is a perfect description of Karma. No one can ever be spared by karma, that's the law of nature, there can never be an imbalance in the laws of karma and that's like the laws of physics.

The scriptures say

  • Do your duty, but do not concern yourself with the results.

  • The fruits of your actions are not for your enjoyment.

  • Even while working, give up the pride of doership.

  • Do not be attached to inaction.

Karma is defined as the sum of a person's actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as deciding their fate in future existences. This relates to the judgment of God in scripture and the tenant of Christianity that we ultimately reap what we have sown.

The Bible talks a lot about reaping and sowing. In each of these instances, as well as all the other references to reaping and sowing, the act of receiving the rewards of your actions takes place in this life. It is a present-day activity, and the references make it clear that the fruit you reap will be commensurate with the actions you have performed. In addition, the sowing you perform in this life will affect your reward or punishment in the afterlife.

You get one shot at life and living it according to God’s plan, and that is it.

James 3:18

18 Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.

Job 4:8

8 As I have observed, those who plow evil and those who sow trouble reap it.

Matthew 25:46

46 “Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.”

Matthew 26:52

52 “Put your sword back in its place,” Jesus said to him, “for all who draw the sword will die by the sword.

Galatians 6:7

7 Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.

However, she knew that old crone living a greedy, evil life who never thought about the six years old kid she got to know after being a neighbour who even spent time in her room chatting with her while she was getting ready for her shows. 

Today she was startled to find that the hag has got the Padmasree -- the highest citizen award but is still carrying on with the court case for the property. She is performing to celebrate the life and dream of a patient to encourage people to become stem cell donors, on the other hand, trampling a rare disease patient for the past twelve years under her heels. What sort of a Divine Justice is this?

Government officials loll in front of her power the origin of which is by depriving her and making a drastic attempt to push her off the cliff. Nobody did anything about it.

Thursday, September 3, 2020

The impossible life of a perky patient

 It was never going to be easy removing years from the mind that had occurred before the birth of the patient. There were no memories to extract because spurious humans living in pseudo manufactured realities are bombarded with fake data from all sides. With the failure of dissociative drugs, it was decided to turn to philosophy.


Doubts were raised in the minds of the sufferer as to the concrete reality of the ill-fated disease of experiential nature with the awkwardness of the various occasions of sawing off tumours sprouting in every internal area of the body. The malady travelled through tissues and most organs as well… only rarely in the outer structure. The fateful time when blood pooled that they had worked their way through the inner organ system. The tumours simply returned but in another location of the organ system.

The unusual secret of the birth of the case was an eye-catching child was fond parents, who were lost in the thought without realising that behind the outer shell there might lurk some sickness never known to humanity and the ill-fated child would have to endure the worst in all walks of life and face countless challenges.

The patient found the only... defence against the indignities of manufactured pseudo-reality where sophisticated people were living in a very large version of Disneyland was freedom from fear.

Bogus humans with several charlatans made life not only a struggle but a fatal misdiagnosis of the sufferer.

Misdiagnosis is the bottom of the iceberg of patient safety and medical error.

Historically, in the mid-1700s, W. Hunter elaborated on the clinical characteristics and hemodynamics of peripheral (extra-cranial) arteriovenous malformations (Hunter, 1762).J.J. Plenck first described a cavernous angioma, which he called a ‘cavernoma’, in 1776. However, it was not until 1863 that Virchow recognized and differentiated essentially all the common types of intracranial vascular malformation: telangiectatic venous malformations, arterial malformations, arteriovenous malformations, and cystic angiomas (possibly, modern hemangioblastoma). 

The patient's brain tissues produced certain vessels, which tangled within themselves into a single egg-like tumour. The egg lodged in one of the major hemispheres in the brain for up till there was a burst of brain activity followed by a dramatic spike in the EEG. The patient's overstimulated portion of the brain, sending forth confusing commands to the diligent troops below after a traumatic event whence a crazy idea struck after persistent dreams that dreams have symbolic importance, there was apparently a profound desire in the subconscious of the patient manifesting in an unusual conscious power.

Shortly thereafter, the sufferer was noted to get spontaneous jerks resembling epileptic seizures. The patient's condition worsened to an uncanny degree. The surgeon took the tumour out with a pair of tongs. 

The subject eventually suffered a fatal stroke due to the rupture of the blood vessels and the historically uncommon bleeding. The patient's will helped the bodily organs to revive. The neurological mishap too corrected itself with the basic tool for survival namely courage.

The liver's red glare thereafter causing various deadly disorders was discovered by chance which duplicated all over the organ presenting pain in the upper abdomen leading to rupturing of the tumours and causing intense pain. The patient asked the attending medic for euthanasia and transplant was the only way out.

The surgeon identified the novel syndrome codified the compositional nature of the tumours thus confirming the diagnosis.

An efficient immune system would have rejected all encroaching organisms and toxins with amazing alacrity.

The transplanted liver needs the immune system to be suppressed so that it isn’t rejected like any pathogen. Which made the immune system low to the point to give the patient resistant tuberculosis.

Drastic treatment measures were implemented which had made almost no progress when a specialist quickly related the cause to effect when a mass illegally harvested inside the brain of the patient.

It was a parody when another mass was illegally cultivated on top of the kidney, a Ga-DOTANOC PET-CT based SSTR imaging because VHL syndrome associated hemangioblastomas frequently express SSTR confirmed that the floating lights in the patient's brain are hemangioblastomas. With this, the true nature could be seen and the diagnosis was confirmed.

There were few more masses destroyed by weapons of mass destruction. After the vandalism, the effects of radiation the patient had observed was similar to  Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Blood and nutrients could not travel to the brain like before.

The eyes seemed to convey melancholy wisdom when lightning travelled through them and the eyes stared skywards as if heaven had shown itself in all its glory among the clouds.  A horrible battle raged throughout the victim's life and up till now, the serious topic has been survival.

More than two rare diseases have been found to coexist in her constitution, now another one made its lodging.

The medical men tried to drag the sufferer into the melancholia of the medical lore. Because the patient is a medical curiosity, medical personnel made exaggerated claims of their achievements and try to draw the victim into an unnecessary surgery which has a drastic and dramatic effect when a non-invasive procedure is preferred to preserve your life. They forget the medical profession is all about the preservation of life.

The subject chose a giant machine that enabled doctors to shoot the lightning causing agent.

It was followed by a pandemic infestation by a novel virus that claimed an enormous number of lives than any Historical War. It remains a medical mystery.

During which the patient found the human mind making the medical profession a horrible business.

The patient just told one of the nagging problems. The specialist answered it and disconnected from the call, others don't think even try to respond or co-operate, save a few old acquaintances who are familiar with the phenomenal struggle.

So, how to treat the outlandish diseases? The patient thought of talking to an experienced specialist, who turned out to be a sceptic to proclaim the veracity of scepticism as a philosophy of a vital topic. The refusal to perform a good deed implies lack greater knowledge perhaps like mosaicism of diseases or coexistence of rare diseases in one body for which science has got no cure.

His associate and all of the members of the gathering nonetheless as they say no, their balking and refusing brings it down to the dread of consequences because of their lack of confidence and knowledge.

They think that the patient would cry, 

So few grains of happiness 

Measured against all dark

I have been the safest 

For nine months

As carefree as a lark

Their deeds are always small, and almost always unnoticed, unmarked by history. Their names are not remembered, nor are these credible humans expected their names to be remembered. The patient could see their genuineness in an odd way: not in their unwillingness to perform great heroic deeds but in their quiet refusals. In essence, they cannot be compelled to be what they are not.

Ultimately, the only antidote to reality-manipulation is good old-fashioned human heroism and that timeless vaccine of courage and resistance, of freedom from fear, of tirelessly enacting ---the quiet, precise, judicious exercise of integrity and care with no one there to see or cheer.

Images by Akash Sharma