Thingamajig dryad did gaze the distant moon
puzzling society madeth h'r swoon
oh! well, palmy community
with spunk did face fak'ry
dry-ey'd unruffl'd with a tra-la-la tune!
" Thou ragamuffin! Thou miserable creature!”shriek'd Mr Blessing quite out of breath t'rribly ov'r the phone.
"Vasudev kutumbakam" wast a bawbling group of cater-cousins who hath believed " the w'rld is one family" and as those gents wend through the w'rld togeth'r, those gents'll standeth by each oth'r and ev'ryone those gents encount'r.
Th're wast a giant involv'd in the writing of an absurd comedy to exciteth the creative side of a man’s nature. That gent wast a valorous sir who is't but did wish to holp people out of ado and 't wast his proposal to f'rm a group 'long with Madam Cloud.
The oth'rs w're pompous in their vanity icily did scream at the valiant soldi'r like a toad, ugly and venemous w'rds, m'rciless w'rds of disdain.
“Oh, indeed?” was her response. "Thou mayst not knoweth what kind of a mistress i am, i wast b'rn a princess, i am a warri'r princess".
"If thou hast strength, showeth us. Thou art a spook, a phantom yond's wherefore fate hast hath left thee in darkness"
She hath trusteth in the blasé lackadaisical fellow whose jointress the lady hadst holp with the doct'r f'r h'r min'r ailment
“Now, dram mite of a mistress, who is't doth thee bethink thou art? a princess?"
"I wast b'rn a princess, a warri'r princess and nobody speaks to me liketh yond, alas thee!"the lady hath said with valour.
Wheezing liketh an acc'rdion, panting f'r breath, coughing up blood because the sinist'r pathogen hadst not only invad'd h'r lungs but did travel to the base'r limbs through the lymph nodes making those folk throb liketh the soundeth of a drumbeat, the lady answ'red: "you bird brain, i am a divinity presiding ov'r f'rests and trees through which i walketh ev'ry day, walking with faith yond i am head'd f'r sunshine. "
But 't wast liketh living with bombs in h'r lungs. The lady kneweth h'r self-w'rth, the lady hadst no conc'rn f'r mat'rial things but most wondrous inn'r pow'r and strength, the lady wand'r'd high-lone did inspire by mum's mettle without regard f'r circumstances.
the lady wroteth a poem to expresseth h'r battleth,
A warri'r princess i am,
i wage wars with headeth did hold high,
a warri'r, nev'r afraid of wounds,
a warri'r dies dancing that’s who is't i am.
trudging hills nev'r trodden by,
propell'd into unc'rtain t'rrit'ry,
soul deeply wound'd by black melancholy,
nev'r stooping to feareth 'r sentimentality,
chasing desires, not waiting f'r fate to showeth m'rcy;
flowing f'rth with by fate delighteth in stark reality
Gloom of doom cometh what may;
did banish all w'rries, doubts,
i hath moved onward in the track valiantly,
imploding yet ebullient in a spree,
compound'd difficulties, bitter cold mann'r can’t faze me,
benign friends expresseth f'rvency.
content with myst'rious, meaningless, contradict'ry, hostile,
unexplainably warmeth and giving,
fearfully enclos'd minds,
i hurtl'd the absolute randomness,
on the v'rge of unc'rtainty.
proff'r'd relations, friends, unfailing supp'rt,
bravado, m'rcy, pity, arrogance,
a lon'r did rush f'rth in the path of life.
“pretty-nigh impossible!” wast toldeth ad infinitum,
equivalence did seek,
yet situations, reasons, causes remaineth distant,
the exactitude of suff'ring hast nev'r been met'd out to none
Halt! patience!
i heareth people screameth,
but i'm at a pointeth of nay returneth.
i’m brave, i rave,
grave only at which hour repressed,
cramm'd with mem'ry, hoarding much,
did endure much, weary of wounds,
feelings which hath built up in the war,
harden'd and did die inside,
soul searcheth'r i am,
reality seemeth absurdity,
kind, affectionate friends,
elevate me, eke out positivity
I still dareth to changeth the things i can,
i resuscitate ceaselessly,
i wage wars with v'rve
in a pointeth of nay returneth
aye, a warri'r princess i am.
wild bouts upend'd direction,
infallible friends f'rm'd mine own legion,
did march with me without regression,
did fly fearless without reasoneth,
melancholy did replace by undying optimism,
did turn to mem'ry,
w'rries did banish, nev'r did look backeth in hist'ry.
prettify, n'r falsify nay one,
those gents art but f'r a season,
gath'r'd to esc'rt the lost one,
by way of cosmic expression,
collective counsel mitigates privation
H're cometh the season
of faces blurring and fading hence
liketh a dreameth, in illusion.
life: - annus mirabilis!!
chain'd me in an endless cycleth,
not unfolding its myst'ry af're.
life is a game of chance;
did grant once;
temp'rary stayeth wag'r'd
to expire, i thus learneth;
ent'ring the reality maketh thee standeth
in a tricky, dang'rous position,
whence, thou art in a pointeth of nay returneth.
thus i welcometh changeth with open arms,
groweth and liveth vibrantly not in a trance,
soul dance,
immense shall billow liketh a toweth'ring tsunami;
summon up the courage to liveth life once,
regression dishonour eff'rts and maketh those eff'arts undone,
thus i moveth on with fluency
friends not did attack by dubiousness;
tryeth utmost to f'rm a supp'rtive system;
don’t believeth living in ‘jocund company’
dying high-lone in ign'rance;
those gents wanteth to evolve from darkness;
tries revamping mine own life in earnestness;
those gents art not friends f'r a season, but a lifetime,
i hurtle the chaotic reality in their gl'rious presence,
i resuscitate ceaselessly,
wage wars from a pointeth of nay returneth.
a warri'r princess, i am
“I am not well: mine own headeth acheth badly. at which hour the lady did seek supp'rt from the tend'rest one, madam cloud.
" O' God, wherefore dost thou, God giveth disease and mis'ry to thy children?" spake madam cloud.
At which hour h'r landl'rd threaten'd to turneth h'r out at which hour the greatest troubleth did creep up and did pause at h'r exit dragging h'r to death the lady did seek the holp of the giant and that gent f'rgot about his big speak of standing by oth'rs, helping those folk through rainy days.
The lady wonneth h'r battleth with canc'r of h'r kidney and brain tumour and hath left in the stipulat'd timeth given by the court but unf'rtunately, the lady's blindeth with the same eye.
The lady hadst the strength to mast'r h'r emotions and f'rge ahead. The lady wast brave enow to believeth in h'rself and hadst nay feareth to holdeth h'r backeth. The lady hath found positivity, excit'ment, warmth, vitality out of life while writing this st'ry.